OK got it all sorted now Thanks for the wheels Krazed, much aprieciated. Currently looks like this now
(****ty phone camera....sorry) in reagards to previous posts it came standard with a 428 chain, so i'm now running the std front and a 37t rear sprocket, I also figured more stopping power wouldn't go astray so I've gone from a 190mm to 210mm front disk, just had to shave back the bottom of the caliper to make it fit with the new bolt heads (bout 2mm bigger than previous)
I learnt my lesson RE warming em up first, on the second corner.... Cold they tend to slide out quite a bit, but it's OK I kept it up and did it right in front of a chick (think she might of got pregnant while watching my skillz) But damn with just a little bit of heat in em they stick like **** to blanket