Nah never cops out there.
Its ok, gets a bit boring after a couple of hours, not a great deal of jumps out there, plenty of tracks, 2 quarrys with a few little jumps, step ups.
Good fun.
If anyone is keen to head out there tomoz, we will be there from about 10am.
Go to the soccer fields in thornton, n head up into the bush on your left, cant miss it.
Anyone riding this weekend ! im heading up to newcastle tomoro and stayin till Monday, im takin my bike to my girlfriends place up there cause my house gets broken into all the time, so if ya wanna ride hit me up 0449783460
cheeerS im down to ride ~
Oi man I think im headin out Sunday for a ride with 50sbrotherhood and some other boys if your keen to come , Ill ring ya. I might head up to redrock tommorow arv on my big bike , but not 100% sure yet
I ride in the bush behind where i live, there are a bunch of tracks, its around pinnys beach and spoonrocks beach. there are tracks that go down to catho..
we ride to catho pub. Used to ride out pinnys, cavesy, swansea quarry, nordsy gwandy, summer land point, chain vally bay..... Now we just drive to tracks.
I usually plot my course with google earth, but still get lost. ive pretty much covered most nearby tracks except for a couple which i have either been to scared to go down alone, or too steep. ha!