Off Road Pocket Bikes

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None at the moment. Just looking for a bike to start in. A lot of my friends ride dirt bikes so i want in with them. So i thought to start out on something small to learn how to ride then go and step up onto bigger bikes
the 110cc chinese dirt bikes are a good place to start my gf has only rode quads before yesterday i got her on her new bike she was doing good for a first timer in 1st gear next time we go out i will get her into 2nd gear and going back and forth from 1st-2nd as these bike can take off in 2nd gear without any problems bikes with no clutch make it so easy to ride
have u rode any type of bike before?
Yeah i had a ride of my friends 80's model honda 80cc for the first time and crashed it into a fence :oops:. i must admit it was in a small backyard probaly not the greatest place to start but you have to learn from your mistakes
my gf had a go of her bike in the back yard ran into the car :shock: the next day (yesterday) out at the track we were thinking of selling the bike as she had a phobia of riding the prevous day took her about and hour and a half before she had enough confidence to try again in a bigger open space and she succeded no clutch pays abig part when your learning
That always good when you get right back on the bike after a crash. Just a question before you were talking about riding on grade 1-2. Just wondering what they are? Are they the types of tracks you ride in demand and skill or something else?
yeah its just what i grade the tracks 1 is very simple smooth tracks 5 is ruts,ditches,jumps,huge rocks in the middle of the track,mountin climbs,riding through creeks etc...
both instore and ebay if u are thinking of buying one get one in the box one of the guys there were showing us how one of the show room floor bikes went he flogged the motor :shock:
*instore* u have two options #1 buy one off the show room floor for $900(only if u must) price might be lower by now #2 buy it in the box for $850
*ebay* auctions start at $699 or buy now $849 i have seen a couple of these bikes sell for $699 on ebay i am off work for a few more months and my girl friend has her day off tomorrow so we are going riding again :) i am only taking her bike my KX250 is screaming out for a bash around the bush but need to teach the missus how to ride
where will u be riding?
Thanks for that. Um i will probaly ride it in the bush around the blue mountains, or find some fire trails near penrith and go there, and the odd time to the motocross track. Good luck on the ride
my missus had a little ride today she wants me to sell the bike :cry: i think i will hold on to it for a couple of weeks to see if she changes her mind fingers crossed
let us know when u get your bike :wink:
Gazza, would you consider swapping it for a road style pocket bike?
my missus will give it another go i will be taking my bike aswell so she can go off and do her thing and i will be doing mine but we will be selling the bike around june/july at the latest than buying a slightly bigger bike if she still wants to ride by than
no swaps i dont want another pocket bike just yet ive got no where to ride it