Perth Tuesday Night Rides

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Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2011
Reaction score
Perth, WestOZ
Bit of an edit from our ride Tuesday night.

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you guys should really wear some helmets :/
Come on now guys, helmets on 50's should be a personal prefference they all know the risks!

PS that guy at the end with the car park level up wheelie is my hero!
you guys should really wear some helmets :/


maybe you should look at your self before you judge others ^^^ hahaha
Stunt101 may be a massive ****... but he makes a good point.
We're all guys of legal age that can make our own decisions, we understand the risk and consequenses associated.
Haha yeah theres a few decent spots like this round the place! Where bouts in Perth are you?
Haha yeah theres a few decent spots like this round the place! Where bouts in Perth are you?

Girrawheen. lol and yes, i have had bikes stolen from me.
I know that all the good spots are in Kalamunda etc.. we pretty much only have sand here.. though there are a couple of spots for the minis up here if you ever wanna come hit them.
Ahhh the dirty north hahaha
Would be good to go for a ride up NOR sometime though!
have you been riding in Mundaring before MzD? & did your trailer get a flat tyre?
haha dirty north? last I heard it was dirty south! =P

Yeah, theres two tracks we've found up here. Should organise for a ride one day..

Btw, your not scared of cops catching you in the skate park with your bikes? Theres days i've felt like riding mine around but don't due to being scared of cops lol.

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