import one then...
just simple info like what is a good brand and what model and a rough price range
you dont think i have already thought of that?
LOL grumpy bum
also..Miniature motorcycles/ monkey bikes
A miniature motorcycle must not be used on public roads, footpaths or nature strips because they do not meet registration standards. Whilst a miniature motorcycle can’t be registered, any person who rides it on a public road without a valid motorcycle licence is committing two offences – driving an unregistered vehicle and driving without a licence.
Miniature motorcycles can be used on private property but there are serious concerns about the safety of many of the models being sold. Consumer Affairs Victoria banned the sale of miniature motorcycles that do not meet safety standards. For information visit the Consumer Affairs Victoria website and search for ‘Monkey Bikes’.
q:I sell monkey bikes over
the Internet but I am
located outside Victoria.
Must I comply with this
ban order?
a:Yes, any supplier selling monkey
bikes into or within Victoria must
comply with the new ban order.
taken from:$file/monkeybikes_faqs_suppliers.pdf#xml= do I check to see if
the monkey bikes I
supply comply with the
ban order?
A:If you have no qualified
mechanic or expert on staff, you
will need to engage a competent
mechanic to check your stock
on your behalf. Supply of noncompliant
stock carries
significant penalties – fines of up
to $25,154 in the case of an
individual and $62,886 in the
case of a corporation.