peugeot XPS

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Active Member
Jan 29, 2007
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G'day guys,
Ill be turning 16 soon so im looking for either a moped or something similar i can ride around till i turn 17 and can finally drive a car on the road legally!
I am looking at the Yamaha Aerox and Aprilia SR50 DiTech but lately i have seen this bike on uk sites for sale, its a full size 6 speed bike but is only 50cc and can be road registered in europe, I know 50cc is slow but im thinking it would feel better than a moped and probabaly be able to have more fun on it. I havent been able to find any in Australia so im thinking you would have to bring one over and get it road registered? or would it just be worth buying a aerox or something thats already here.

BikePics - Peugeot XPS SM Home Page on BikePics.Com - theres some pics of them.

nah cause its 50cc you can ride it with a car liscence and on your L's
sorry fabio but i know for a fact that if you live in victoria you can not ride a moped on the roads if you just have a car learners permit
if its 50cc you can ride it if you have a full car licence
its alright ive decided to go with an aerox, yeah over here in WA you can ride a moped on your L's (so when you turn 16)

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