PHATTEST 50 ever

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Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2007
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Hmmm I think the pinnacle of custom build fiddys has been reached.:D
King of cool.

Hmm I wonder how he pulls in the clutch and changes gears when you need left hand for both? Unless that is a rear brake on the handlebars?
yer seen it on planet mini's, theres more info on it there aswell.
if its a crf 50 then its semi auto so u dont have a cluch, could get difficult with a cluch
you would just put the clutch lever on the gear lever... so you pull the clutch in and change
its a rear brake lever on the bars
looks like a blinged up stunter?
Its obviously semi-auto. And the lever on the left side of the handle bars is for the rear brake, you can even see the cable going from the lever to the brake, dont remember why he made it like that but read all about it on planet mini's if you can find the thread.
he made it like that for stunting....

this has been on planet minis for a while