photobucket 3rd party hosting issues

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Well-Known Member
May 18, 2017
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only recently i have had the issue of photos from photobucket were when people have added photobucket photos instead of having the photos of part of their posts, It just shows an image of a speedo looking thing thats blue and grey and says third party hosting or something or rater. would anyone know how to solve this
you have to pay to use it now.

need to find a new image hosting site or pay the $399 they apparently are charging for the premium upgrade
I put a pic uploader on my forum, we lost all the pics, they suck. I'll never use them again. They ruined all the forums. Is there a pic uploader here?
Does this mean that all the posts I've used with photo bucket I cannot see the pictures anymore
That's precisely what that means, as of the 26th of June photobucket has flicked the switch on 3rd party hosting. It seems to be a case of #Sorrynotsorry....

It really is BS mate, I've got over 600 photo's on this site alone.:frustrated:
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