PitBike On Road Penalties&Fines????

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Active Member
Jun 5, 2008
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Melbourne, Victoria
Hey Guys, i was just thinking to myself my mates and i are planning to stay at his house with our pitty's of course. there will be four of us we are gonna walk our bikes to bunnings in melbourne at a late hour of te night and ride the big feild there. what would the penalties be for being caught riding out in in late night no license ect or even trespassing. i'm just doing this to find out what would happen in the event we did get in trouble if we could get in too much we will call it off

-Pitpro 125 LE
uni filter
125cc lifan engine
Pro taper Bars
Kenda Tyres:)
if its a public area like a park open feild etc your looking at unlicensed, uninsured, unroadworthy, if its late at night and cops wanna be harsh theres disturbing the peace due to the noise, not to mention any others that cops can think of on the spot, all up worse case senerio ur looking at $2000 and they confiscate your bikes
First of all it is a silly idea

These will be the fines in melbourne

Unregistered motorbike - $330
Unlicensed rider - $551

That's a total of $881 so far coz they may charge u with something else if they feel like it.

Times that by the 4 of you and that's a total of $3524

Does that seem worth it?
IF u get caught lol
some coppers are orite i was riding my 50 at my laal park and e watched me for 5 minutes then told me to leave because its a public area so i turned of my bike and walked home lol
Ormeau they dont care unless people complain. Than all they say is take it to the back area in the bush
It's $980 as the council came to my house 2 months ago, depending if you have armor, if its council property etc, around $800-$1000. That's why i don't risk it, or ride a 50 with a silencer.
in melbourne can they confiscate your bike? they do up here.

it used to be to easy to get away from them aswell, take the first alley way outta there and ur home free but now they ride suzuki drz and they came up besides a bloke a know and kicked him off his bike for trying to run from them.
Only takes one go on the road to get flogged with the book.
I thought I'd never get done crossing the road to go over to the local quarry. Sure enough at the intersection a high way patrol came down saw 4 guys on minis and put up chase , And chase it was. Biggest rush of my life but NOT WORTH IT! We got away fine after we darted off into the bush. But my mate was riding on a hyosung piece that was rego'd in his Dads name so the old cops went around and lurked his joint.
This went of for a few days till after enough persuading with the police he didnt know us and only got smacked for unlicenced rider $400 but the cops told him had we of been caught we would of got a minimum $2k fine for all the regular hits plus evaision of police , make an appearance in court.

The moral of the story is , you always think you'll be right. Its more than often you'll take the risk and sure enough the Police will be waiting for you. Its really not worth the risk. Riding where you can get caught is a poor decision. I'll never put my mini near a road again. So without the $2000 fine I learnt my lesson.
When I First got my bike i was out the front running it in cause i gotta big gully across the road, after about 45 mins, police were around asking to check out the bike and said if I get caught again my bike will be confiscated and i'll be fined. He was actually thinking of giving me a fine, but he could see the bike was brand new and i was real polite and said what he wanted to hear (In other words bull5h!++ed my way out of it LOL)

Dont ride without permission and/or a permit!!
My mate got done in nsw for $1300 in fines had to sell his 50 to pay for it.

Wouldn't EVER risk riding close to houses or known trouble spots, I'll stick to private property thankyou.
ive nealy bein caught 2 and caught once riding a pee wee80 in a back paddock the copper sed because the bike is quite and we were using a helmet we could ride there but my mate has bein caught heaps of times riding his pit bike on the road never bein confenscated but lost his licence
Seriously dont ride where you know you not allowed. It gives bike riders a bad name.It only takes a couple of trouble makers to ruin it for everyone.Everyone likes to winge bout nowhere to ride but also tells stories bout ridin in parks and on roads ect.
I'm planning to ride my bike in the bush out our way. The bush is quite big, but I was wondering could I ride in there? Would I need a permit?
dont know about all states but im pretty sure they gonna be similar,

in vic you need to have a motorbike license and the bike needs to be rec reged to be able to ride in the bush
i live in melbourne and ive been caught before and had warning's and also had a 5 year bond for something else and the cops said this is my last warning you get caught again and where gonna take your bike off you and give you a few good fine's i got caught a week later from cop bike and they just gave me a 2 fine's unreg motorcylce $125 and unlicenced driving $567 end of the day just depends what cop you get but might aswell go somewere you can ride legaly saves you money and getting into trouble
I'm planning to ride my bike in the bush out our way. The bush is quite big, but I was wondering could I ride in there? Would I need a permit?

it will be illegal.

unless there are 4wd tracks through there, and your bike has recreational rego which means you'd also need a brake light and a rec number plate, then it would be illegal.

if there aren't any tracks in the bush then it would just be straight up illegal, no permit is going to save you.

2 of my mates were riding down a footpath on fullsize bikes, a cop jumped out of the bush and coat-hangered one of them off his bike who consequently knocked the other guy off his bike.

they pleaded with him because he was threatening to take their licenses' and they both needed it for work, so he let them go but he said if he ever see's them riding again he's going to come down hard..

moral of the story - its not worth it.
i was riding at the local reserve, away from the road, but its a known place and nearly eveyone goes there. Its aparantly crown land, but its like a track and theres always people there, anyway the cops showed up and lucky for my dad he was sitting on the car having a drink, i had just ridden off. On the way back i accidently stalled the bike, creeping down this mass hill when i saw the cops talking to my dad. needless to say i lay the bike down and sat down until they left, if i hadnt of stalled it i probably would of been caught, scared the crap outta me, just up from where me and my dad where some bloke fired up his cr, sure enought the cops heard him, off they went.
Not the only time, ive been followed by them, not quite chased but there were following me when i was in the bush, it wasnt fun..
Not worth it.
i been pulled up at the petrol station by a ranger, got a warning but spoiled the whole day....dont have 2 worry now, regoed FTW!