mine came with an IRK and 1p56fmj engine and i bout it under th 07 name but when i emailed them about it they said they sent me an 08, i bought mine a fair while back when they first came out it seems and yeah got it for $1000 and payed $170 to get it here,
suspension is awesome out of the box for a china (or was for me), hit up some decent jumps and cant complain at all,
Also there warranty is pretty ballin tooo, i got them to replace my kickstart and i lost a bolt from my throttle assembly so they sent me a new one to, each were sent out around 24 hours after i sent out the claim, pretty good service i rekon.
bike likes to roost everything and is fun to ride, IMO best bang for your buck out there pitty wise and considering parts wise i rekon there a good as price even for $1200.