pitpro or mso 125s

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Active Member
Jun 5, 2008
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Melbourne, Victoria
ok mum said yes but then there comes the budget problem the mso 125s is 699 out of stock atm.

and the pitpro 125 le is 850 but it all depends on performance and durabillity i know know im being ripped off with the pitpro but it just depends on which 1 you people tell me to go for
so it is in you're hands now miniriders community thanks for all you're help this here is my final decision upon purchase after this no backing out.
MSO over Pitpro. Once you talk to Linda or Ken you will understand why the MSO is a better option over all. Anyone that has bought an MSO will give them a good review and you only need to do a search of this site to see the proof of that.
well ive got a pitpro and im selling it to buy a MSO. enough said. as I_THUMP said, ring them and find out why they are better.
i have a pit pro and i would rather a mso haha