pitty wont start

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Active Member
Feb 4, 2010
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hey guys, after my horrible enconter late last night (having to push the bike home 3km's) i thought i would ask the pro's

my pitty (terra moto 125) will not start, well once every 100 kicks maybe, it had enough petoral im sure and the fuel was running through the carby fine so their are no blocks.

it just would not start... i got lucky about 2 times and it ran for about a minute and it maintained speed just as if nothing were wrong and then it would just cut out and stop.

what are the possible problems?

thanks, joey
let me guess, you roam the streets on this thing...fukn hope not...no help from me :)

nooo my mate has a property down the road from me.. so by "roam" you mean take a 5 min ride down a bike path to and from my house then yes. im sorry
check the clutch is adjusted properly, i had a problem on my old mini when the clutch would be held out a lil bit and wouldnt engage the crank properly.

is it hard to kick or does it kick easier than it should?
it kicks fine, i just took it all apart and cleaned some gunk out from a few places now it seems to start fine each time, have not actually ridden it though but its still an improvement, filled the tank and gonna take it for a ride soon hopefully it should hold up