Quad, need help with exhaust gasket

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May 24, 2015
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ok so earlier today i decided i wanted to take my whole exhaust off and see what it sounded like i was bored and wanted to work on my quad and i got the exhaust off and when i took it off i noticed my gasket fell out the o ring gasket and i was wondering does it matter which way i put it back in also when i turned on my bike it sounded all bubbly when idling if i cut the pipe will it still sound like that and has anyone done this before?
The flat side of the gasket goes against the head.
You'll lose a bit of power with it running no muffler due to it have no back pressure, the neighbour's will complain and you'll blow out your ear drum's too.
Running with no muffler on a four stroker also burns out valves hard to explain the sciency mumbo jumbo lets just say it allows them to over heat destroying heat tempering making them brittle and eventually leak ect. Keep a muffler on it