From the sounds of things it could do with a good carb service. Disassemble, clean and blow out all the carby jets. Check the float height and fuel flow before assembly. The 2 screws are an idle speed screw and the pilot air mixture screw. The higher of the two or rearmost screw is the idle speed and the lower front screw is the pilot air mixture. Standard pilot setting is 1 and a quarter turns out from the fully screwed in position. Don't screw it in hard, you only just want it touch and if you screw it in hard it will mess up the settings and probably stuff the seat or the screw tip. Once the engine is warmed up turn the idle as low as possible without stalling and then try the pilot screw either way just a touch until it idles the fastest. Once done re-adjust the idle screw to desired speed. Make sure the airfilter is clean and plug gap set at 0.40mm. A BP4HS or BP6HS plug is recommended. Sounds fuel related to me and I doubt it'd be anything too serious. I've a '78 JR50 and while it's not as quick as the PW50's off the line once it gets going it has a little better top speed. Biggest problem the mini's suffer is adults! Keep the adults off! Cheers