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is funny ^^^ & should'nt lean back so far while jumping the mud guard get ya nads if you case (i learnt the hard way)
his girlfriend is really nice :D [not in that way lol, and i dont mean not in that way, in an offensive way lol]
only charges 20 cents a night for a bit of fun...20 cents u cant beat that people!
Now also knows the going rate and is ringing him this second :p
also stunts crf 50's well...very well!
we are meeting up later when jez is out with Monster energy getting her freak on me and luke are gonna.. well, 20cents goes pretty far!!
knows i do mono's when drunk! & usally crash a few times

(it don't hurt at the time but i feel it in the morning)
Will be seeing me next week if he's keen for a beer with this bloke from over East...
(I fly in on Wednesday and will be looking for something to drink almost straight away).
is going to have a drink with hillz on wednesday
wishes he had my bike made by china men when they were drunk on yashiwario instead of his bike made by japanese guys who were probably high on pot.