spray painting plastics

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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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i want to spray paint my cr125 plastics to black, will paint go on to the plastics good or not ? or will it just flake off?
clean them good, light sand then couple coats of primer, couple of couts of colour then a few coats of clear and they will come up perfect, thats what i did to the rm i had.
it'll flake, buy new ones.
plus when u stack it makes a mess
Yeh the prep work is the most important..if u clean and prime and clear coat it properly it won't flake....
It will come up really good...
I painted my agb29 and its still perfect...
Will def look tacky if u do paint.
I would go new plastics if i had to. Try some dirt bike wreckers.
U will get them for cheap as:D
Hobby shops sell plastic paint
Hobby shops as in hobby trains, remote planes, ect
The pressure pack paints are half the size of normal cans and around $10 - $12
As above proper prep is the only way, and use the plastic primer that car smash repaires use
I painted my blue plastics black a while ago and I cleaned them well but the paint still peals off very easily, your legs on the plastics ware the paint off and it scratches off easily.

I used spray paint.
like every one said if you prep them right it will stay on because me and the old man (spray painter by trade) have painted two sets of plastics so i have proof that if its done right it will last for years
we painted my old xr250 plastics and my xr75 plastics (blue bike in my pics)

but when you fill your bike with fuel and you drop some on the painted plastics you MUST clean it off straight away because it will bubble the paint off
and the down side is if you stack it can chip off

also you can not paint plastic fuel tanks because plastic fuel tanks breathe
if you paint them they will bubble and peel off the next day thats why fuel tank stickers have holes
ok cool thanks for the help
do you reckon its worth it
and divy if i spray them & i stack and it flakes off a bit, would i be able to peel the paint off so it goes back to normal ? or wouldnt that work
u cant use paint stripper on plastic cause it melts platci but u may be able to sum other way if u wash it off straighht away
nah jayden you cant but even if you can the plastics wont be normal because of all the prep you do to them like sanding an so on

i personally wouldnt paint them i would buy black plastics i would only paint older bikes because new plastics are hard to get for them

you should ask your local motie shop and see how much new black plastics are cause i went all black on one of my yz's and from what i can remember it wasnt that much

on the bad side you probably cant get a black fuel tank to match because i know yamaha dont make them i looked everywhere

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