Just me having a little babble as I'm having such a good day
Today I did something I have never done before, which to everyone won't sound like a big deal. But I feel like bragging as I'm proud of myself
I went to the track completely on my own! Now I have fairly bad anxiety. I have since I was 15-16 and I first remember it happening when I moved schools. Mainly I used to only notice it when I was having panic attacks. Now I notice it was bad as every thought I had was different to how I think now.
Going to the track on my own is a big thing as there is a few things I *used* to worry about
Like getting my bike off the trailer, on the trailer, not be able to start my bike, not knowing anyone, falling off and no one I know there to help and general thing like looking like an idiot. Today with my awesome pink pride bike I did all these things on my own. There was like 10 minutes where I couldn't start the beast but finally someone came and got it going for me!
I refuse to go on medication as events in my life have made me this way. But I'm not recommending it for anyone. I go see someone ever thursday and mainly we just chat and they tell me how I can control my anxiety in tricky situations. I don't remember my last panic attack. So I consider it to be working.
Just thinking about who I was a few months back, I just thought it was normal for life to be bad most of the time or to think about suicide. In my head I would think of how I would end my life, but I also thought I would never actually do it so I thought that made it alright. Which it's not, because so much thinking I actually tried it. Now thinking about it this is the message I want to get across to people; Life isn't meant to be bad all the time, things aren't always meant to hurt, you should wake up smiling. If you think positive it makes such a big difference. I thought all this down and sad thoughts were normal and there not!
Talking to professionals helps as they give you a totally different insight. They told me something I always keep as my rule, it's proven that if you say for example work a job and hate it before 2 years you will never truly like it. So if you hate something before 2 years just throw it away and look for something else! I am walking proof, I worked at telstra and quit after 18 months. 3 month later I went back and hated it from the day I went back and only last 12 months but they were 12 terrible months.
It's good to write things down as then when you look back over them you can see if you are getting worse or better or not changing.
12 months ago sucked, I knew it sucked and made the mistake of only making little changes. 6 month ago semi sucker, now today is frickin' AWESOME because I just got rid of all my safety blankets and jump in for massive changes!
So don't let life suck, let life suck you up in a bubble of enjoyful-ness
Sept 24th Red for ruby -
Facebook - Red for ruby
Sept 25th write LOVE on your arm -
There is so much support for youth! Everyone is behind you