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New Member
Aug 13, 2009
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Hey guys, my name is james.
stumbled across this forum while hunting for a motovert rx, hoping to own one in time for a city ride we have planed for next weekend.
Anyway if i manage to get one i will be looking to offload my thumpster,
Hoping somone can give me a idea of what its worth. just a ball park, tried to search clasafieds but not much matched.
it is a genuine thumpster 124cc
the one with the milled billet backbone frame.
hardly riden, new cond.
Any help would be appreciated.
thanks for having me on your forum.
Welcome to here drop a few pics up of your bike ,sounds like its sweet , make a thread of your ride and ask for ideas on what its worth ,remember its only worth what ppl are willing to pay

off hand you may get 1500 for it may be more may be less ,need a pic ? yr model what you paid where you got it whats been done to it ,and how many hrs on it

as for your RX good pick but have you thought of a z50 hotted up ? very cool ,but the rx's are nice also ,dirtbike wise

any ways Again Welcome and hope we can be off help to you
Thanks for the help guys.
Snitchy- I bought the bike new, rode a few times and left it in the garage, but yeah, the best thing would be to get some photos up.Love the z50's but seemharder to find.? we want to get about ten bikes in total to go cruizing and wuold be cool if all where the same style of bike.
Thump*140-Thanks for that link, i saw that in classifieds but was hoping to find one in nsw.

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