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Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2013
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Can someone please help me figure out how to upload a profile pic, I went to my images on my iPhone resized one to 100*90 and pushed the upload thing and pushed save and it said unable to save please help I'm a retard with technology
im pretty sure that your profile picture is meant to be 15 pixels by 15.try resizing it to that and then see how u go
100 x 100 maximum sounds right

are you trying to upload it from photobucket or similar ?
or off your PC ?
i'm not 100% sure, but i just deleted my profile pic and tried reloading it, it didn't work
the message was - This JPEG image has the incorrect file extension.

iirc, something about adding pictures was recently changed?
Motorman would know, i think he will get back to you when he gets back on.
it is your profile picture you are having trouble loading ? not an avatar picture?

i just tried it another way and it comes up invalid file ?
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It just has to be 100 x 100 pixel's and under 5mb. That's it.

Worked ok for me?
for my profile pic,
my screen says' it needs to be under 100 x 100 pixels, or under 64kb, whichever is smaller ?
and with the Avatar pics,
The maximum size of your custom image is 100 by 100 pixels or 488.3 KB (whichever is smaller).
I tried to upload it straight off my iPhone I used an app to down size the pic to 100 by 90 so it should be the right size i tryed to do it as profile pic then as my avatar and neither worked I don't have photo bucket or anything like that everything I've put up has been straight off my iPhone camera roll ill try again and see what happens
Avatar pic size limit is now 4.77 MB (huge now?)
Profile pic size limit is 64kb
Wrong button. lol

Bumped the profile pic up to 5mb now too.

That's not really that big to be honest. We got plenty of space to use so no biggy.
Thanks for the help motorman but I tryed again and it didn't work I think its my phone that's the problem I'm about to smash it against a wall lol ill try again another day thanks everyone for helping
No worries mate.

It's gotta be something like that. Works fine for me.

If you need more help PM me.
i tried loading my Profile pic again,
it says - unable to save image
or with another pic it says - This JPEG image has the incorrect file extension.
Yeah my67xr that's what mine says as soon As I try and save the image it comes up says unable to save image
Yeah it's a bit strange, i deleted my profile pic, and tried reloading the same one but it wont accept it.
I'm having this problem also. Can't download my profile pic.
"Says unable to save."

Samsung Galaxy Note 3