wats everyone think of these?

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i see new tyres, foot mounts exhaust mount from the 2nd to 3rd pic

its looking good kiwkaz can you get yours road regoed?
nah he cant divy unless he gets a genuine z50 frame is that right kwikaz i think thats right.

yes i will need a z50 frame with compliance plates to register, but some times you can go on group rides with a club only rego.. but i plan to get a frame with compliance plates... my bike will look simalar to this when im finished what do you guys think wich one is nicest???




or this one???
gorilla tank

so dont you like the first one and why daniel?? i thought you might have liked the last one lmao...
lol i dunno i want the second one with the chick on it ;) lol.
yeah, 2nd wit the chick, the gorilla tank on the 1st looks a bit boxy, but definately looks the toughest. Hey kwikaz's, i have a million questions for ya, i got a skyteam z50 copy, registered, just wondering what seat ur using? do you know anywhere local to get the better swingarm and rear springs and shocks? does your handlebars hit the tank? what forks are u running? oh and your bike looks great. are you in a bike group and which one? Oh and to the original thread, the chinese knock offs are okay, only prob i have is speedo doesnt work anymore and if i ride it hard off road a lot u gotta titghten some nuts and bolts every now and then, i guess they dont beleive in lock tight when the assembled it. hehe!
kwikaz, would love to pick your brain a little bout your z(skyteam) PM me..
so can anyone give me a hand im looking to buy a bike and have looked around i heard that thumpstar bikes are good bikes and run strong but the other ones i was lookeing at for 600 $ (canadian) are made by the pocket bike **** like the chinese ones... when i went into the store the pit bikes looked slick and the guy who i talked to said they are reliable and just the basic wear and tear will happen when u ride it....wat do u think i should do ?
yeah thumpsters are good, but if you decide not to get one because of the price make sure you look around, there are some good pit bikes and cheap ones, u can pick a crappy one, that said, mine isn't top of the range, but a lot better than some others ive seen and my mates have had.
good luck ay!