I purchased the items about the 15th. But got sent the tracking number on the 19th...
The parcel was only $400 worth. I'm getting abut worried!
They cancelled my whole order of about $600 just cos they didn't have 1 $40 part. had to re send another order minus that part so don't know if out of stock would be the problem. Still waiting on that order also though so......maybe. I only sent my order last Wednesday or Thursday though so i can't really complain just yet.
The days are getting longer every day.
About 2 motns ago I had a $600 order and one part was out of stock so they cancelled the whole order and I had to re-order without that part. but then about a month ago I ordered about $500 worth and a part was on back order and they made me wait 3 weeks for it to come in.
Gimp, when you do the serch on EMS where does the tracking say the parcel is?
Aug 20th - Distpatch from outward office of exchange - tokyo international - tokyo metropolis