were to buy dehidrated food

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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Im just curious were i should go to buy Dehidrated food as in a few months ill be going camping with a few mates and instead of bringing Fresh supplies witch would go off i decided ill get dehidrated food packs. But i dont know were to get them does any one know of a local Brisbane shop or a online shop were i can buy Dehidrated food packs or better known Army Rations.

Thank you very much.
Hoochie Cord (Genuine Australian Army)
and a 'snip' from another site...

Food & Drink List

For either ration pack, an individual or patrol selects food and beverage items from this suggested list, taking into account the availability of the items, their own preferences, and space/weight considerations. Depending on their contents, packs will cost up to $5 to put together. Scouts likely can bring most of the items from home and, if they ask at local restaurants or stores, may be able to collect other things as well.

Dehydrated individual soup mixes. Prepared versions like Cup-a-Soup work well but are bulky. You can make your own compact lightweight packets by wrapping powdered mixes in heavyduty foil or two layers of light foil.
Bouillon cubes
Protein bars
Beef jerky
Tropical chocolate bars (high melting point)
Semisweet baking chocolate (not suitable for warm weather)
Salt tablets
Glucose tablets
Hard candy
Sesame snaps
Various seeds and nuts
Individual hot chocolate mix (bulky and heavy)
Teabags. Use the kind wrapped in paper envelopes because uncovered bags tear easily and scatter tea all through the ration pack.
Freeze-dried coffee or tea in single serve packets
Instant fruit juice. Hand wrap in single serve foil packets.
Sugar cubes
Sugar in individual packets
Cream substitute in individual packets
Powdered milk, hand wrapped in foil

searching is EASY. :D
Foolsp33d Thanks bud dont know what id do without you.
also go to BCF they have HEAPS food

some of it is nice to or anaconda they also sell it
Cheers Sean ur also one of those people i couldn live without XD
dehydrators are pretty piss easy to make, i think we made one with an old power box off a house, small fan like a computer one maybe a little bigger and some lights should be able to find some plans on the net for a cheapo home job
dehydrators are pretty piss easy to make, i think we made one with an old power box off a house, small fan like a computer one maybe a little bigger and some lights should be able to find some plans on the net for a cheapo home job


Materials Required:

- Foil covered Foam-core insulation board
- Foil flue tape (Duct tape might also work)
- Ceramic closet light fixture
- 100 watt light bulb
- Extension cord
- optionally a clip on switch
- Electricians tape
- Zip-lock baggie
- Twist caps for wiring.
- Cheap foil cookie trays - thinner is better
- Wire Coat-hangers


1) determine how many trays you want to dry at a time.

2) (top and bottom) - Cut two pieces of insulation board the dimension of your cookie sheets + 1" each side for air flow + 1" each side for construction purposes as detailed below. This is the top and bottom.

3) (long sides) Cut two pieces of insulation board dimensioned by length of the bottom piece and height of 6" for clearance with heating element (light bulb - see below) + 1" per tray desired in use.

4) (short sides) cut two pieces of insulation board dimensioned by width of bottom piece - 2" for construction overlap(see below) for length and height of 6" for clearance with heating element (light bulb - see below) + 1" per tray desired in use.

5) Assemble. Placing the long sides ontop of the bottom at 90 degrees to form the sides use the flue-tape to attach them. Make sure that the flue-tape contacts the foil on both pieces as it will peal away from the cut foam easily. With both long sides in place, insert the short sides between long sides and bottom and tape. You may want to tape the inside seams also. Attach the lid with tape on one long side only and use two or three thicknesses for a hinge. Now you have a very light well insulated box.

6) Wire. Find the approximate center of the bottom and poke a hole with a phillips screwdriver to allow a wire to thread thru. Cut the socket end off the extension cord and send the raw wires through the bottom of the dehydrator. Assemble the ceramic light socket ( use a ceramic ceiling socket because it will be getting hot.). Make sure to use the twists to cover the exposed wires. Cover the foil where the socket will sit down on the bottom insulation board with a bunch of electricians tape and the zip-lock baggie for electrical insulation. You don't want the foil of the box to become electrical! Put the clip-on switch on the cord somewhere convenient outside the box. Put a lightbulb in the socket and light it up. If there are no sparks, fumes or blown fuses you are good to go!

7) Put in the racks. Find where on the long sides the height of the bulb +1" is and poke some coat-hangers in through the box and out the other side. Continue this vertically for each layer you wish to dry.

Dry some stuff!

Tips on usage:

1) stagger the racks such that the airflow path weaves through not around. This can be done by sliding alternate racks up against the alternating sides / corners.

2) Get a stove thermometer and determine what heat you reach with different wattage light bulbs. This will allow some control over the drying time and temp.

3) Get some fiberglass window screens and rinse them in bleach for sanitation and youre drying time will be reduced vs using the cookie sheets.

4) If you are consistantly getting too much heat you can poke some holes in the bottom edge of the sides or the bottom but be careful not to weaken the structure or cause a thermal updraft that might bring in humid air. (I use mine in the celler and a hole drawing from the floor would not be a good thing for my food or the drying process).

5) you will want to run with the top open at-least since you need to let the water out.

I find that with a 100 watt bulb, the top propped open with a screwdriver and a few holes along the long sides at the bottom, I can dry a can of refritos in an over-night. My dehydrator runs around 180 degrees F consistantly in this configuration. I was above 200 degrees F with the unit sealed. (lid down and no holes in the sides).

I have considered adding a simple fan from Radio Shack but so-far don't see the need.

Total cost for this was around $10 - mostly the light fixture and extension cord.

think he is after places to purchase the product though.. not make it himself.. hence the ration packs..
Well hillz i dont eat baked beans or canned food ^^ i eat what my body need not what we put out XD

i wont bother making dehrated food to many things i need to buy to make up ill just buy from Bcf
to be honest man, i work at a camping shop and i would say canned food is the go haha IMO tastes better and your not paying $8+ per meal
Well canned food gives me diarea. so Im forced to go with Dehidrated food or beef jerky XD

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