Well-Known Member
this is my sobe kit on a crf style
There is a lot of information regarding laws on the internet... you can even email the police for information!
Personally I hope the policeman gets his warrant, confiscates the bikes and the kids lose their L's and are fined in the appropriate manner. If you don't want to obey the law you not only deserve the punishment you are given but you bring the rest of us into disrepute by association (in this case).
I'm not going to say I never break the law, but I certainly never complain when I get caught (and I don't do anything as stupid as you described). Follow foolsp33d's advice above and in future, pull your head in; I'm happy you aren't my neighbour... Do yourself (and your neighbour) a favour and buy a trailer, learn your laws and respect them.
This might teach you: Never sh!t where you sleep!