What do you think of this bike

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Looks OK. The 1N124 gearbox may be the biggest downside as apparently these can be troublesome.
how does this bike compare to the MSO range. Is it better than any MSO bike if so which ones

cheers rossi racing
I dont think it would be worth the bother to change it unless it stuffed up I was just warning you that a lot of guys have problems with this box. Have you checked out the MSO bikes (X7r and Pro are in the same price bracket) and my X7r has an all up box?
Pro is about the same although it only has 124cc v 127cc on the bike in question. The MSO pro has a better swingarm IMO and the guys there are good to deal with
I compared This Thing to the Elite MSO bike, and They both have some upsides and down Sides...

Only Difference is that MSO bike has some Billet parts e.g

And this Bike has 138cc Motor...

Would it be worth Getting this and wacking tha Gearbox in it ???
How much would you be looking at 4 it..

Cheers Dreamah ;)
I know that you can change some parts in your gearbox to change the shift pattern but I dont know how to do it or how much it would cost. Post a question on tec talk somebody there will help you out.

When i bought my bike I shopped around and looked for a bike that I hoped (fingers crossed) will not give me problems. So hopefully i wont have to do too much to upgrade or sort out issues that could be avoided.

You will have to check with MSO if the Pro has the all up box as I know that they had some that were 1 down 3 up. I dont know what the current specs are.
Our posts are crossing over, IMO the elite is way better than the other bike you looked at (alloy hubs and alloy frame is worth big $$$). But this is reflected in the price difference and you do get what you pay for. If you have the coin you can't go wrong with the elite and the pro would be a good secong choise
Mate its worth every cent of the extra grand. Go to the ESD site and check out the price difference in billet hubs and alloy frames alone. It also has the all up box as standard. The main difference is in these two components but the elite also has plenty of small upgrades like foot pegs and stuff.

Both bikes look to be good value for the money so it depends on how much you want to spend and what quality bike you want.
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When it starts to wear out you will accidently select netural when changing from third to second, rev the ring out of your engine, go nowhere, reselect second, and get back to it.

It hopefully won't happen to you but the majority of guys seem to prefer to get an all up box to ensure it cant happen to them.