What is this!!

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Nov 28, 2009
Reaction score
Hello all,

Just wondering if you could take a look at this engine and give me some ideas on what this could be.Its my Project bike(first one) that was given to me.i cant get it to start (kickstart)even though it turns but doesnt seem to spark.tell me what you think much appreciated!
find the pictures at -


Also an images of the wiring comming out of the engine.

This was sitting under the seat I have no idea what it is or if its important to starting the engine.

any tips on doing the wireing would also be appreciated as the wiring is all about the place, the previous owners had a cigerette butt wraped in foil for a fuse!! its crazy, any help would be Great.

yep looks like a mess...
first thing im going to comment on is the size of the pictures.... it makes it easier if you resize them them to 800x600 or even 640x480...

try this diagram... its the one labeled as vertical engine

forgot to say tht it looks like a gy150.. bit hard to tell tho not seeing it as a complete bike
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I shall make sure i resize the pictures from now on!wow it does look kinda like that, Thanks heaps, do gy's have oil filters? i just dont seem to be able to find one.

thanks for the reply again.
they have a filter down under the left hand cdi cover area... should be a big washer looking thing with a enbossed bolt head on it...
the filters are made from steel or brass and only need to be rinsed i kero or fuel to keen them...
thanks, So i've been looking around and am having trouble finding any workshop manuals or information on the gy 150 and the ddr 150, Any ideas where i can get some info on these bikes i want to do a rebuild and the info would be very helpfull? Would any Honda or Yamaha Parts Fit it? Cheeers

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