What to cover when cleaning?

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Well-Known Member
May 31, 2008
Reaction score
Plymouth, UK
What things do I need to cover before giving it a good old clean? Maybe a silly question but you know.. you've got to find out somehow.

I can only think of covering up the Air Filter, that's it at the moment.

Thanks team.
I just cover the air filter and plug the exhaust :) then pressure wash the rest
i cover the air filter, muffler, electrics if a can be ****** lol. and thats all i cover.
If riding again the next day, I just blast off the major crud on the rims, tyres, under the guards and under the engine. So the bike weighs a kilo or ten lighter the next day.

If storing for a week or more then much the same for me as the other posters. But I take my airfilter off. Actually intkae snorkle pipe and airfilter off, which also means seat and side plates off. Then I cover the carb intake with plastic using a rubber band to hold it on. I cork up the muffler. The get ready only takes me about 3 mins. Then pressure wash. Being careful to not blast water directly into: hand throttle, headstem bearings, wheel bearings, rear susp bearings/bushes, the top of the carb, or directly into/down the clutch cable. Then I quick hand sponge it using CT18 truck wash, then wash the suds off with the pressure washer.

Then I let it dry a bit, drain the carb float bowl quickly, then start it up and run it for a few mins. Then shutdown and I Inox oil a lot of things, incl spoke nipples, and all joints and bare metal, but avoid the brakes! The Inox oil coats the metal, displaces water, and next time you hit the dirt, the dirt/mud does not really stick so bad. So the next clean operation is pretty quick and easy. I have an RK o-ring chain and all I put on it is Inox basic oil spray before rides and after washing. No steady chain stretch or pain in the arse chain adjustment for me.

My pressure washer at home is a pretty weak little 1200 psi elec thing, but it does the job easy and doesn't use much water in the process.
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just squirt the bitch down put the hose down the carby and wash all the old fuel out then take the spark plug out and fill that hole with water make sure it all clean and your done :D
good to see u are eco friendly:D
Hey I'm no friggin greeny. :) If the govnmt could keep our economy thriving (like the Libs did) then I think 90% of problems are solved - including looking after the environment. IMO, poor country = enviro comes last. Stupid politicians don't do much for the enviro either. Consider NSW labour and Sydney's energy hungry desalination plant, when instead they could just give most people in Sydney some bucks or at least good subsidy for on site rain/grey water tanks. They forget it does rain a lot in Sydney. Who doesthe mega million dollar research? Stupid idiots. OK OK no place here for politics. We are all bike riders and on the same page. If I save water, then less chance it will run out under the gate and cause some green natzi to report me to some Narks! BTW, I bet half of those green natzi's all flush their dunnies a 100 times per day and take long showers. Bastards ...

Damn sus1, I just read your signature. :(
Thanks guys.

What I'll do is cover the handlebars, air filter and plug the exhaust and then I'll give it a good old hose down but with the setting to 'light spray' and then scrub it down with a sponge then I'll wipe the handlebars with cloth + water.

What shall I look out for when hosing the bike down?

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