Why does it have to be out of these two bikes? Why not wait and try out a few bikes if possible. I would look at Suzuki RMX250(basically an RM250 with road gear) or a CRM250(cr250 with road gear), or KTM 380(learner legal i think). All these are race bikes made road registerable. Plus you can ride off-road legally. Personally I think a Two stroke is a much better bike to learn on(or work on). At the end of the day the purchase is probably going to be based on the look of the bike anyway( I know thats what usually swings my decision) also you can always sell it and get something else(good thing about bikes, they hold their valuer better then cars. Also dont buy anything pre '98(especially honda). Oh and I wouldnt ride a Kawasaki if i was given one. Stay away from KDX
My Fiddy2c