Why do people always put their bikes on top of crates

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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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Does it do something to the bike or what.
LMAO no crf but they are just used as a cheap stand coz they are a good height. Alternatively you can buy a stand which can cost more than $100 for a nice one.
LMAO no crf but they are just used as a cheap stand coz they are a good height. Alternatively you can buy a stand which can cost more than $100 for a nice one.

$100 thats a lot of milk!
i use a crate or a chair to put my bike on,crates are good because they are half strong and take up no more room than the bike
i just made a stand cause a create is too small for a big foot. it also makes it easier when working on a bike to i reckon
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Because it will fall over if theres nothing to hold it up.
mine goes on crate because my wife b!tchs too much when i get her on all fours and put it on her back.

ahahahah , thats the way it should be done haha.

I got all tricky with my milkcrate and added a plywood top and waitfor it 'checked vinyl' - factory as haha. Their super handy , like you can stick your jezza can in it to give it support in the trailor and prevent the jerrycan from toppling over. Also a good seat , good place to stick all your vinyl's , Eat off , stick the dog in , Abuse people with it blah blah blah. Its the ultimate bit of design.....

Poor old Diary farmers though , they have to pay for them!!!
my bike goes on a stand/crate because it has no stand! and when im not using it i cannot just put the stand down and walk away! and leaning it against something is not as stable as a crate/stand
Shit yeah, thats about 2000 litres of milk if u were to buy it all at once :p

But the milk crates are free from behind your local shop lol

talk about free stuff from behind places.
get me a empty beer keg, imagine keg stand....interesting.
i actualy use a milky to hold my bike upright ,and take pressure of the rear shock and tyr

have also been seen ,standing on 1 getting fruit bats out of my f#*king bannana tree,barstards eat my naannas
Its just a stand for cheap ba##erds
And i dont even have one :O lol