would this z be worth anything??

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Yeah like AGB said, any Z is worth a resto. That bike is probably worth 500 as is, maybe 1000 restored.

Ive restored much worse than that!
yeah i say go for it thrashthumpy, you have made me wanna rebuild on off the z's
get a 125cc liffan like your bike! or 88 kit if the honda is kickin
keep us updated if you do trashthumpy i luv checking out ppl modding all types of bikes

im thinking of restoring an old bike an throwing in a decent size engine could some one give me some models an names that i should check out as i dont no much about old bikes n models
I would do it for shore if i was u mate, i can just imagine the feeling of satisfaction once its completed. :D
yeh those bikes are pretty cool, look at this pic of this done up one on here.. look pretty sweet. this is the place i get most of me parts from so have a look here to. www.hondaminitrail.com

what a gem bike, some big dollars has been spent on this honda z 50. going by the stars and strips on the bar protector it looks like its u.s.a.
that Z is awsome i bet there has been alot of time and money put into that

What engine does it have??
i think that z has just the normal 3 spd auto clutch in the bottom , and i think it has an 88 kit on the top ?
looks pretty shmick, i bet it goes like the clappers 2