Hi 67, I did have it out in the street today, seemed to run ok but w/some tampering tho, so I took it back to the shop and got it revving nice @ WOT, let it idle down, then it stalled and wouldn't start again, this time it had wayyy less compression. said oh f@#k, I think I broke sumthing! so I took off the head, barrel, reeds and carb and found that one of the rings was glued to the piston w/carbon! as well as the xhaust port was 50% blocked too! douched both of em, put it all back 2gether, wayyy more compression, started rite up but wouldn't stay runnin w/the choke open, seemed like it was flooding out, so I took the carb apart and changed the clip for the jet to the 2nd from the top thinkin I could lean it out a lil, but got too late and I garaged it. now it's a challenge! so I'm gonna win cuz this lil ride is too much FUUUUNNNNN! so if ya got ne ideas, solutions or permanent fixes, I'm all ears! thanks 67,-------twosmoke