Hi my67xr, Yes, I followed your tuning instructions 2 the letter, turning, listening, swappin jets, turning, listening, swappin jets.... so far I have #'s 30,32.5,35,37.5 & 40 for the idle jets & #'s 55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90 & 95 for the mains, it seems to run the best w/the #40 idle & # 90 main. where should I start? is this combo ok? maybe there's a better 1? I got the bog outta it, but the mixture screw is bout 1-1.5 turns out, jus barely idling, if I turn it out ne further, it idles gr8, but the bog returns! like I said, the possibilities r endless! could this carb be a cheap, pos, Chinese copy? could you suggest a good ballpark idle/main dynamic duo? as for the clutch, I got the case apart, found there to be 2 clutches in there, the front lining seems to be thinner than the back clutch lining, is that part of the acceleration prob in 2nd gear? do you know offhand what that thickness should be? ne & all help is greatly appreciated! thanks for letting me pick your brain!-------twosmoke