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Um. Sisters,
"It's my hair brush" says Em
"No it isn't. It's mine," ect ect. STFU.

Dogs vomitting then having to clean it up
Dogs brining cow crap in to the house and having to clean it
The heat atm.
What grinds my gears.............

people who say yer man i'll take the ramp to lanos 3 weeks before, then 2 days before say they carnt leaving you with a heap of hassles!
******** clients who demand i do a delivery for them, cause they ****ed up, that's a 4 and ahalf hour round trip, which they "forget" to tell me about until i'm walking out the door at 5:30pm, after starting work at 5am, thus i get home after a 16.5 hour day, straight no breaks...
then the head sales **** demands i do him a favour again, and deliver some items to his place free of charge, as a gesture of goodwill towards him.... (????? WTF????)
Then wanders past with a bottle of wine, and when i jokingly suggest that must be mine, for all the late night delivery to fix their **** up, and his free delivery, he laughs and says "Ha! you need to go out of your way for us, to get any freebies from us"....
****in dirty **** **** ass-raping poofter-prancing spiky gelled hair ****en gay kiwi ******* that speaks in a pommy accent to sound flash. ****. ****. BARBRA STREISAND!!!!!!

My self-restraint has still not recovered from this episode... sufficed to say, it slightly grinded my gears, and may or may not have induced a new twitch....
******** clients who demand i do a delivery for them, cause they ****ed up, that's a 4 and ahalf hour round trip, which they "forget" to tell me about until i'm walking out the door at 5:30pm, after starting work at 5am, thus i get home after a 16.5 hour day, straight no breaks...
then the head sales **** demands i do him a favour again, and deliver some items to his place free of charge, as a gesture of goodwill towards him.... (????? WTF????)
Then wanders past with a bottle of wine, and when i jokingly suggest that must be mine, for all the late night delivery to fix their **** up, and his free delivery, he laughs and says "Ha! you need to go out of your way for us, to get any freebies from us"....
****in dirty **** **** ass-raping poofter-prancing spiky gelled hair ****en gay kiwi ******* that speaks in a pommy accent to sound flash. ****. ****. BARBRA STREISAND!!!!!!

My self-restraint has still not recovered from this episode... sufficed to say, it slightly grinded my gears, and may or may not have induced a new twitch....

**** that, you dont have to put up with that, ask them were in my work agreement does it say i have to work that type of hours!, fark you would wanna be getting some good overtime!, ha ha ha. as for the other ****** when he walked out after saying that you should have just went home and just said something come up and than go do it in work hours! i know your not asking for a solution im sure you can handle all this by yourself but I hate that type of stuff it really grinds my gears as well!
******** clients who demand i do a delivery for them, cause they ****ed up, that's a 4 and ahalf hour round trip, which they "forget" to tell me about until i'm walking out the door at 5:30pm, after starting work at 5am, thus i get home after a 16.5 hour day, straight no breaks...
then the head sales **** demands i do him a favour again, and deliver some items to his place free of charge, as a gesture of goodwill towards him.... (????? WTF????)
Then wanders past with a bottle of wine, and when i jokingly suggest that must be mine, for all the late night delivery to fix their **** up, and his free delivery, he laughs and says "Ha! you need to go out of your way for us, to get any freebies from us"....
****in dirty **** **** ass-raping poofter-prancing spiky gelled hair ****en gay kiwi ******* that speaks in a pommy accent to sound flash. ****. ****. BARBRA STREISAND!!!!!!

My self-restraint has still not recovered from this episode... sufficed to say, it slightly grinded my gears, and may or may not have induced a new twitch....

WTF man, id be heading back to the rigs lol.....thats bull **** you do have rights at work thump
yeah the rigs are looking pretty good at the moment.... only problem is rigs arent a long term career, and the question of marriage, kids family etc isnt far off. lol..
but yes, we sometimes go above and beyond in the interest of "customer service"....

sadly it's doing crap like this that has all the head-hunters around here chasing me to go work for them... with the same work conditions naturally... :(
thats it thump, once they all know youll put up with that sort of abuse theyll be hunting you down...
fark tht id be uppin the jerks and maybe even swingin a few at them....theyll soon get the drift...

or start droppin the free deliveries to the wrong address's or something.
and maybe have a meeting to evaluate your work conditions and hours..

man i hate hearing sht like this cause i have a couple of mates tht put up with sht like this too, and its sad because they no longer have any time to themselves and there going down hill fast (health and relationships)
thats it thump, once they all know youll put up with that sort of abuse theyll be hunting you down...
fark tht id be uppin the jerks and maybe even swingin a few at them....theyll soon get the drift...

And you will soon be shown the door to your work and the door to a cell. :rolleyes:

Thump it's really quite simple so I will say it as only Barryman can.


As Sean said, if you let them walk all over you now, they always will. Stand up to the man just once and things will change. Gotta earn respect in the workplace.
things that grind my gears **** this could be a long list ill keep it short..
chev badges on commodores (especially v6s)
lil rice box's with huge exhaust cannons.
the ban on pitbulls.
lil puppets that walk around all staunch pikn on lil ppl and grannys and then when they get beatn on they cry to the coppers
;) and the list goes on....
and mario kart
People who put logs and wire on tracks to prevent trail bike riders:mad:
People who monster energy graphics are gay(as loing as they don't say menstor):D
And times like RIGHT NOW when I can't ride becuase of a borken tire and puntured tube:(
I think monster graphics were worse when monster wasn't even in the country.. That screams ****. Oh and little kids riding pit bikes on the road with no helmet! Get some f |_| ( kin parents!
the battle between chinas and hondas

riding with a helmet on when you not acctually going to do anything stupid and then someone says get a helmet on

same as above but your on your own property and a cop drives past then stops enters your driveway and says put a helmet on? (get the f off my property bacon)

police when they think there sick (cops arent acctually that bad tho just some are retarted)

stock crf 50 suspention lollllz
people making multiple threads asking the same questions, FFS having 2 threads isn't gonna get you answers any quicker!! :mad: