I hate arogance like that " Goes better" , Mate you obviously havent been in the sport long enough to relise the flaw of your $500 bike. I have nothing against china bikes as I've had 2 mso's in my past , great bikes for the cost and it doesnt matter as long as your supporting the sport and having fun. But comments like that make my blood boil , its so ignorant. Firstly 1) You dont buy a jap bike ALWAYS to be fast but rather for quality and durability 2) Anyone who has any idea about anything relating to minis quickly relises it does NOT cost $5000 to make a jap bike competitive Eg , looks at the TB **** - The TB race head kit will flog off a 125cc china engine for minimum cost. Minibikes arnt about having the fastest bike out there but to have fun - something china missed , not sitting on the side line and watching all the fun because your china chain just chewed off the magneto. Sure you'll say but ' owwww we'll replace the crappy parts - bearings blah blah blah' But the reality is you'll be spending months on ends trying to guess which part will break. If that sounds ideal mybe you should consider buying the board game 'guess who' before you throw cash at that ebay special because the fun won't stop after you've replaced all the so called **** , because guess what the engine's are made from bread. Say what you want but the proof is in the pudding , otherwise no one would bitch about them and everyone would be riding an orion. Lollypops and candy canes. Stick all the bling you want on them , graphics blah blah on your china plastics only to have the fender snap straight off on the first get off.
Lets see your bargin bin bike in 12 months , if you havent had to change any parts other than consumables on it ( Oil , tyres ). Sure China's last for a little while and whilst you think its all sweet the reality is I havent seen a single stock china older than 2 years with the same gear as they bought it.
You need to reconsider what you just said , it makes you look like a massive kook not knowing **** about 50s. The real guys who actually race their imports buy decent quality one's not some piece of **** , they as we all now relise half the bike is made in Tawain and so doesnt even compare to the turds BSE is rolling out. On race day there is no angst between Imports and 'jap' bikes because everyone knows they have made the effort to build a bike that will last more than one lap of the track.
In saying that no bike or thing on this universe is indestructable. My jap motor cooked valves but its the originals since 2003 , raced and absued. My ktm has problems still but you expect that when you smash it through the bush and are riding off road. Things brake , on a china you'll replace the first things to go. You havent solved the problem as you've only moved on to the next weakest link so then something else brakes and you continue replacing parts with quality units from usually jap bikes or jap intended brands so eventually you've made your china bulletproof and you go "**** , I've just blown 5k". Easy peasy , 5k down the gurgler when you could of bought a pre built jap bike that you know will take most things with in its stride for $2-3k. Mighten be the fastest bike on the block , but capacity usually replaces ability. Eg my mate Jason (Aspect50s) on here can keep up with my 88 mod on a stocker around our track , purley because he is a better rider than I , so his ability to ride wins over the capacity of bikes. If you think your one fast muther , just remember this. There are 3 people in the world who can ride a 450 properly , that is all. The proof is there , this fact has been stated and those in the know relise this.