YZ85 Large Wheel or TTR 230

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Andrew Aslan

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2007
Reaction score
Hey guys i have a tough decision to make, TTR 230 or YZ85Large Wheel.
Yes i know one is a fun bike for trails and the other is a race bike. Im 14 years old im 60kgs and 5'4. I dont know which bike it get, i want to do Motocross as well as going out in the trails. I currently own a knock off 125cc Four Stroke and want to move on to a bigger bike and more reliable bike. They both have there pluses and negatives.
The TTR 230 is a reliable low maintenance air cooled four stroke with a nice and easy E Start, that will be great for the trails and have all the power i need to take up what ever is thrown at me in the trails. But when i go out onto the motocross track im going to end up bottoming out the forks and having to tug along 106kgs.
The other is a quick snappy 66kg two smoke that will hammer on the motocross tracks and not bottom out. But out on the trials im going to have to keep the revs up and make sure i don't foul the plug, i will stuggle a bit until i learn how to ride a two stroke in the trails.

The TTR230 is only 6cm taller seat height then the Yz85 Large Wheel. But the 230 is longer (end of front wheel to rear) then the 85.
The TTR230 is probably a nice step from my bike, on a four stroke nothing thats going to make me hanging of my bars scared all the time :eek: and i can really enjoy out on the trails.
But the YZ85lw would be a good step as well i think, ill learn how to ride a two stroke and ill experience a different type of motorbike riding. And i can actually really enjoy go out the on the motocross tracks and getting some air of those jumps :rolleyes:

If you read all of that lol please help me out and give me your opinion.
Well i think i covered the question im going to get asked

Cheers Andrew

I put this in mini chat because well i didn't know any where else to write this up but they are both still not full sized motorbikes ;)
Personally i would go the YZ 85, i rode my mates TTR 230 and to be honest it didnt appeal to me all that much.

and nothing beats the sound of a 2T . . . NOTHING !
Yeah , I've never risen a ttr230 but I have riden yz85 they awesome bike , lots if power for what it is , go the 85 mate you'll enjoy it alot more , you can still go on trails with it , would tear threw there dude ,
Good luck choosing anyway post some pics up when you get whatever your getting
go the yz85 if you want power and really step up your riding ability, my surgestion if you get the 85 ride it up and down on an open FLAT ground with no rocks to get used to powerband and find your limets there otherwise you could wrap yourself around a tree, me i havn't ridden an 85 or a 230 i've only ridden a RM250 2dinger from a dr20 and it was a big step but you get use to it.(was a mates RM250)
at high revs, on the 4bangers when the revs get high you normaly change but hold it a bit longer on a 2dinger and you should hit powerband, i would recomend having a test ride on BOTH bike before making your choice.
Well my good mate owns a rm85 and his dad owns a TTR 230 so im going to have a turn on his 85 if he lets me because it a race bike and if i drop or something .... well ye.. lol but he owns a rm125 aswell but i don't want to ride that, it'll be to much for me. But as for TTR his dad barly rides it and i cant really see him taking it out to appin for me a to have a ride.. lol. So i dont know. :S

Id go the YZ85!, Will be good for both Motox track and trails. As well as Powerband and the sweet sweet sound of a 2 banga.
i went from an atomik hummer 150cc to a Honda cr125 and handled that fine.

you just have to be smart when riding a 2 stroke.. know your limits and don't go over them until you improve.
i went from an atomik hummer 150cc to a Honda cr125 and handled that fine.

you just have to be smart when riding a 2 stroke.. know your limits and don't go over them until you improve.

How old are you?

I just think going to 125 will be a bit to big of a step because of power band. But when you meen "you just have to be smart when riding a 2 stroke" what sort of stuff do i have to like watch for and make sure i dont do until i improve.
Someone said you get it jetted good you dont have to worry about fouling plugs.
Went to a few bike shops to day and i really want to get the 85. I think 125 will be too much for me. From a chinese 125 four stroke to a big full size 125 2 stroke. To big of a jump. And when the 85 does get a little to small i can get some high rise bars with triple clamps.
hey mate.
i went from my 125 chinga to a suzuki rm80. but that had some work done to it. It was great. it has done wonders to my riding and confinence. one thing i would suggest is not buying a brand spanker.I bought the 1999 model. i found even with my older one. I didn't want to drop it, ya know. if i got a new 2009 yz85 i would be so worrie3d about brekiing it i wouldn't ride real well. with a older bike (by this i mean 1999 to about 2005 models.) The models i just said were up-to-date with the new technology, they don't change too radically in the space of a few years, so start out small. Also, don't get ahead of yourself. the 80's are much more of a handful to ride.I broke my collarbone last year because i did the jump i was trying in 3rd gear in the powerband. i just lost it on the up-ramp and landed funny, so take your time.. even get some coaching if you want to.

the maintanence side of things isn't too bad. my rm has never fouled a plug, even though i ride it like a four stroke. The manual for the 1999 rm80 says do the rings every 10 hours.But i rode it every weekend for like 2 hours (2 HRS each day) and i only just put some new rings in it. another good thing about the old bikes, as long as you dont buy a lemon.

hell. if you really want to buy a crf150r. it competes against the 85's and is a four stroke, but heaps of maintanence. and it is like 1000 bucks more expensive

those are my thoughts, hope they helped
YZ 85 Mate straight away
no doubts
the 85 will still do wat the ttr will do
OMG how funny would that be if they hit powerband randomly haha
omg that would be interesting
mate, my first ride of a good two stroke, we had no throttle cable and had a finger down the carby working the slide:p
now that was fun.....

get on the 80:) or the 125 if its there.... and dont just wrench the throttle open til you feel you can. power band is pretty obvious when you hit it, and depending on the pipe you have, isnt too snappy.....trails...get used to changing gears a lot and clutch riding, and keeping it in band... theyre gutless down low

2 smoke:) = fun, to the point of being scary...i wish they still had the old cr500 in production:eek:
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or kx500, i was watching movies of the on youtube a couple weeks ago bloody powerful looking barstereds they are.