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  1. amitchaR

    my build

    bahaha you guys just made my day... and i think 110 kid needs to leave the petrol drinking to the bike :p
  2. amitchaR

    road rego..

    has anyone riden a rx 50 andf if so are they worth considering or should iu just go for the 125?
  3. amitchaR

    road rego..

    its a good point but you can't just assume what they ment "Point 2 saying country areas with dirt roads, small amount of local traffic" there is nothing that says that. i know i can't ride on a highway and i sure as hell don't want to but who the hell is going to tell me wich roads are okay to...
  4. amitchaR

    road rego..

    well thank's you guys have cleared this up better than the cop's and vic roads put together! its a wonder how they get so many tax dollars and can't even explain what there policies are! what a bunch of ....... so now that i can't get a rec rego to ride on roads whats a road complianced frame to...
  5. amitchaR

    road rego..

    i've called the local police to find out more info because i sapose if i do the wrong thing then they are gona pull me up for it and even there not sure on wether or not i can ride localy or not, has anyone got rec reg and ride on made roads? am i just not looking hard enough to find were to...
  6. amitchaR

    road rego..

    okay thanks for the reply but i'm not sure that your completely correct i have looked through vic roads website and can not find were i can ride it only says as a condition "Conditions There are a number of conditions applying to operating a recreation vehicle. They are: •Recreation...
  7. amitchaR

    road rego..

    yea i'm in in vic and i was thinking of a rec rego but does it just give me the right to ride on local roads or is just for out bush i can't find the info on were i could use it? and good luck with FOTM you might need it ;)
  8. amitchaR

    road rego..

    maybe i can just buy a rx road worthy frame and work from there? i really don't wana spend $3000 on one of them i can buy a decent RGV250 for that price lol
  9. amitchaR

    road rego..

    hey all was just having a look at the motorvert rx's with road kits and i reckon there's not much to them i could build something very similar for half the price but it wont have a compliance plate so it can't be road rego'd right? or is there a way to get a compliance plate for a pitbike...
  10. amitchaR

    1/4 Throttle

    yea mate theres one place i think you can get them for about $35 delivered but they havn't got the best rep from what i hear, i'm still waiting for them to get back to me about one its- Crazy Pocket Bikes Assassin Dirt Bikes i think there in nsw some were
  11. amitchaR

    Fuel Leaking Out Of The Overflow

    this has happened to me a few times and giving it a good bit of smack use to free up the float and fix it but not allways lol if not good luck
  12. amitchaR

    can't find neutral

    thanks for the tips guys and that was a great video, i'm 99% sure i put it back on the way i took it off but there's allways room for error i sapose. it may be that the clutch needs a slight pressure of the clutch cable for it to spin freely in neutral but atm i have to change the clutch cable...
  13. amitchaR

    can't find neutral

    well i know that the sprocket wasn't just spinning from the vibration of the engine like i thought, i have a damn big blood blister and cut to prove it lol. well i'll go tighten it up tomoro and lock tight it but there must be a washer out of place or something but i'll have a look, i'm just...
  14. amitchaR

    can't find neutral

    nah mate i didn't start it without the crank case on i oiled it and started it properly but i just went out and had another look and when i loosened off the center nut on the clutch it seemed to find neutral with ease, dose this sound right?
  15. amitchaR

    can't find neutral

    hey all i just bought a lifan 140 off one of the members here and after i put the new oil sling on it i put it on a engine mount wired it up and started it , works great but thge sprocket is moving when it is in neutral its tight and its as if its in 1st but its in the right gear if that makes...