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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. high rite now thump*140 and tht cracked me upppp.....**** the police ill do wat ever the **** i feel like....i dont feel like moving out of prospect because of some silly putdown like u either...oi cool modeo lets toke up aye?

Another stoned person in Prospect??? whoda thunk it eh?

cool story bro... you flamed me brilliantly... ********..

***** the police ill do wat ever the **** i feel like* ??????

I cant get over how tough 14 year olds are nowadays...
Juvenile record much?

Mate you'll get knocked off your bike by a patrol car, cry like a lil ***** when taken into a station, your crack-smoking Prospect-dwelling mother will cry "Police Brutality" and prejudicial treatment, and your Mega-Custom Build 110 will be thrashed around the Holden Hill cop shop until it falls down, goes boom...
Then no doubt you'll go steal another one, and get caught doing the same thing...
Until someone like me coat hangers you off your bike after you tear up yet another median strip in the middle of the night, and sets fire to your bike...

You sir, are an idiot. bet your mates think you're fully sik gangsta homo for tearing up the streetz on your way to bludge primary school...
wow, the last two post made absolute no seance what so ever.......,110 kid your a ******, hahah doosh i can only wish i was as kool as you.
some times it has to go that far by some one getting hit for them to learn there lesion I only hope it dosnt hurt anyone else in the mean time...
dont say doosh or ill stab u OoO
dont say you will stab me, or ill give you bad rep. ohh i did n way....... LOL!!!!!!!!
^^^^ha ha fu*kn gold *crack smoking mum* thump* more gold this thread is a real winner
bahaha you guys just made my day... and i think 110 kid needs to leave the petrol drinking to the bike :p
hahaha i live in mt duritt and the cops will do anythink 2 stop u from riding on the road i got hit by the cop car and got charged for a hole lot of s**t it ant worth it in the end i lernt my lesson after i went to cort and carnt get my l s for 8 months
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Dearest, mboyg1,

I humbly ask for your forgiveness for neglecting you.
I'm hurting deeply inside, hoping beyond hope that you'll forgive my not mentioning it before.
Please forgive me.

Its fubu wearing gangster wanna be punk arse little kids like this that fcuk the mini scene up in RADelaide.
Your hip hop listening 2 bit tough guy act might impress your looser mates but most of us have been around a bit longer than you my boy, so smarten up your act before you mouth off at someone who will show you just what a tough guy is.
Dearest, mboyg1,

I humbly ask for your forgiveness for neglecting you.
I'm hurting deeply inside, hoping beyond hope that you'll forgive my not mentioning it before.
Please forgive me.


Um... WTF???? lolz
milfboy why have you been hurting someone's insides deeply??

up to you what you do in your private times, but you sicko..

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