road rego..

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Sep 3, 2009
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hey all was just having a look at the motorvert rx's with road kits and i reckon there's not much to them i could build something very similar for half the price but it wont have a compliance plate so it can't be road rego'd right? or is there a way to get a compliance plate for a pitbike without spending thousands i gather a local roadworthy mechanic won't help? can someone give me a little advice...please.
i got a RX and as they are standard i wouldnt buy one for the road as it is
its easy to modify it yourself
mine's gona be completly diffrant when im done with it :)
im unsure about compliance plate's sorry
Any bike that doesn't come with a compliance plate there is no way to get one. When I wanted a ttr230 for road i had to search for ever to get a ttr230a that was the adr model... cost me an extra 1500 for exactly the same bike but with some damn turning signals! It's because only so many road dirt bikes can be allowed in the country each year... which is never enough. Other wise everyone would be making any bike they could road worthy!
maybe i can just buy a rx road worthy frame and work from there? i really don't wana spend $3000 on one of them i can buy a decent RGV250 for that price lol
yeah mate, without a compliance plate, your chances of getting it registered without the trouble and expense of an engineers certificate are nil.. unless you find an old registerable Zed frame, and pull a shift with the compliance plate... which is not recommended..
In traralgon (Vic???) you should be able to get rec rego though...
yeah mate, without a compliance plate, your chances of getting it registered without the trouble and expense of an engineers certificate are nil.. unless you find an old registerable Zed frame, and pull a shift with the compliance plate... which is not recommended..
In traralgon (Vic???) you should be able to get rec rego though...

yea i'm in in vic and i was thinking of a rec rego but does it just give me the right to ride on local roads or is just for out bush i can't find the info on were i could use it? and good luck with FOTM you might need it ;)
ha ha, yeah i can see a landslide coming against the bling-40 sadly. It's a mod's bike, so naturally everyone's waving the "cheat" flag.. ha ha

I'm not sure on the technicalities of the rec rego for vic, and where it lets you ride, but i think it covers back roads... not main roads or arterials... ???? Rach88 seems to know a bit about it..
Yeah I have to pitties with rec reg. I live in melbourne but, so all roads are no no's! It really just lets you ride on state forest. Back roads are like dirt roads in whoop whoop no one ever goes. There is some post code search some where on the vicroads website... but I seriously think its like post codes 3001-3999 is all no go's for reg rec... which my understanding all post codes in vic are between those numbers bahaha! You won't be able to just buy the frame with the compliance.. they don't sell them on there own. You'd have to buy one off someone else second hand with compliance... but don't hold your breath! It's all just so hard, pit bikes just aren't made for the road so we should just keep them off!!
okay thanks for the reply but i'm not sure that your completely correct i have looked through vic roads website and can not find were i can ride it only says as a condition
There are a number of conditions applying to operating a recreation vehicle. They are:
•Recreation motorcycles are only permitted to be operated on roads (except declared freeways and arterial roads, including roads formerly designated as forest roads, under the Road Management Act 2004) that are:
•located outside "built up areas" as defined by speed zones of less than 100 km/h, or
•those areas that are not a road and are solely for the training and assessment of a holder of a motorcycle learner permit by an organisation approved by VicRoads for that purpose
•the vehicle must not carry any load or a person other than the rider
•the rider must wear a protective helmet of the type approved under the Road Rules Victoria"

i have called them allso and no one can tell me exactly were i can ride all they say is "outside built up areas" i'm not sure if they mean local roads to get to the corner shop or just in the middle of redneck country. so i'm planning on getting my rec reg and testing the limits until i find out! i think i might be on to something here

i've called the local police to find out more info because i sapose if i do the wrong thing then they are gona pull me up for it and even there not sure on wether or not i can ride localy or not, has anyone got rec reg and ride on made roads? am i just not looking hard enough to find were to ride? :confused:
depends how brave you are

A kid from tafe had his car **** itself last year on our exam day and he rode his yzf 250 from Belgrave to rmit in the city without any troubles with only a rec rego! (i don't recommend doing this)

My cousin rode his bike (ttr250) with rec rego for 3 years around empty paddocks that were getting developed without a hitch. That was in somewhere in Berwick

From what i have heard/read you can ride on dirt roads that dont display speed signs and forrest tracks.

Pretty much black stuff is a no go zone and only place you can ride without worry is national forests

The only person that could give you a straight answer would be one of the dirt bike cops. (you know the ones that solve real crimes, making a difference in this world by giving kids fines)
NO SEALED RDS for a start , no built up area's means no telegraph poles or light poles

dont trust the coppers they have no idea , unless you speak to a sarge

im sure im correct tho , i would say this means you can ride on forestry trails ie fire breaks and such
well thank's you guys have cleared this up better than the cop's and vic roads put together! its a wonder how they get so many tax dollars and can't even explain what there policies are! what a bunch of ....... so now that i can't get a rec rego to ride on roads whats a road complianced frame to put on the road? or should i just give up?
okay thanks for the reply but i'm not sure that your completely correct i have looked through vic roads website and can not find were i can ride it only says as a condition
There are a number of conditions applying to operating a recreation vehicle. They are:
•Recreation motorcycles are only permitted to be operated on roads (except declared freeways and arterial roads, including roads formerly designated as forest roads, under the Road Management Act 2004) that are:
•located outside "built up areas" as defined by speed zones of less than 100 km/h, or
•those areas that are not a road and are solely for the training and assessment of a holder of a motorcycle learner permit by an organisation approved by VicRoads for that purpose
•the vehicle must not carry any load or a person other than the rider
•the rider must wear a protective helmet of the type approved under the Road Rules Victoria"

i have called them allso and no one can tell me exactly were i can ride all they say is "outside built up areas" i'm not sure if they mean local roads to get to the corner shop or just in the middle of redneck country. so i'm planning on getting my rec reg and testing the limits until i find out! i think i might be on to something here


point 1 is only saying you can ride on roads that used to be state forest or run thru a state forest.. not main roads.
Point 2 saying country areas with dirt roads, small amount of local traffic.
Point 3 saying like you know when you went to do your motor cycle license and all the bikes would of had reg rec.. solely for the companies insurance and so they can ride it in there venue if they don't solely own the land.
point 4.. no matter where you ride no passenger... no luggage... no nothing.. just your fat arse!
point 5 you have to have a helmet that meets the aus standards.

Nothing about main roads ever never.. or everyone would have it for only 90 bucks a year! Stick to state forests... thats like the only benefits rec reg gives you unless you live in whoop whoop.

Unless your a girl with these things called breast.... you'll never get off on a fine for riding on the roads!

Think about it rec reg isn't rwc.. there is no turn signals and only one mirror!
what a bunch of ....... so now that i can't get a rec rego to ride on roads whats a road complianced frame to put on the road? or should i just give up?

ARghhHHhh! just buy a bike that is all compliance and change ****.. don't just try buy the frame... it's just not that simple. The bike has to be sold to you with proof of purchase and you must fill out transfer or ownership forms and get a rwc on the bike with in 14 days. I just think you need to try buy a bike that needs work... explain to the old owner what your doing. if there nice they will give you more then 14 days to transfer the ownership in to your name.

I'm going to smack my head against something... if it was simple everyone would do it... *smack smack smack*
its a good point but you can't just assume what they ment "Point 2 saying country areas with dirt roads, small amount of local traffic" there is nothing that says that. i know i can't ride on a highway and i sure as hell don't want to but who the hell is going to tell me wich roads are okay to ride on? and as for having to buy a full motorcycle and change it myself? i was wanting a pitbike on the road not a comuter or a sports bike if i wanted one i sapose i wouldn't be on here asking these questions, it's allways worth asking.
options are...get hold of a compliant rx frame.

get an rx.

make your own frame and get a engineers certificate for it. yes, MAKE a frame... theres no other way...

and youll still need a cert if you get the rx frame. at $1400 approx for the certificate, you start to realise a complete rx is actually cheaper...someone else has already dealt with the compliancing... obviously cheaper in large quantities...
has anyone riden a rx 50 andf if so are they worth considering or should iu just go for the 125?
yes i have a rx50. Buy one and then pay $400 for a lifan 140 and it will smoke a rx125 and be cheaper.

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