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  1. S

    200cc quad diff help

    It looks like just grease in there so u may be correct?anyone else can confirm?
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    200cc quad diff help

    Grease???? So no oil?
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    200cc quad diff help

    Hey guys want to know what oil do u put in a 200cc rear diff? It looks like it has grease in it lol Probably oil mixed with water as the breather hose is missing and is open. Yeah want to clean it out and put new oil in it? Cheers
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    Anyone able to help out?
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    hey guys i just brought a 200cc quad (think its an atomic) Now i got told it had a flat battery and i got it home and tried it to start it with a jump pack and nothing. Now i was playing with the key and the start button and it cranked. but if you wiggle the key it cuts out. So i gather it...
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    Carby help

    can anyone help?
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    Carby help

    hey guys just want to know i had this bike tuned and the float has been adjusted and a new cdi put on but now it is going good down low and 3/4 throttle is great but if i hold it flat it goes good for about 30 seconds then starts to make like a poping/knocking noise at full throttle after about...
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    Carby help

    oh too late now its
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    Carby help

    yeah but how far just till its level? i adjusted that till it was about straight and moved the main needle from the 3rd clip to the bottom clip and then took it for a ride and played with the two screws on the right side until it went ok. never played or tuned a bike so only learning this...
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    Carby help

    thanks guys i pulled it apart and cleaned it and blew through it all but there was a very tiny bit of **** on the rubber tip but it still leaks. i checked the hole carby its all tight but still seems to leak. what does the needle to when u change the setting in the clip as it is on half way...
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    Carby help

    thanks guys will get a new one how do i know what size or brand it is as there isnt much written on it.
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    Carby help

    so need to replace it or check it?
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    Carby help

    Hey guys i have just brought a 110cc quad and the carby is leaking fuel from the hose unde the bowl when its running and when its not running? what would that be ? also it pops under full throttle but still goes good but just sounds like its either miss firing or pre igniting the fuel????
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    Dirtmax Avenger 150cc

    guys words cant explain how good they are ah, yes they are Chinese but they would be the best bike i have ridden and i have ridden nearly all of them Motors go hard and are reliable and the bike frame and parts are just as good. I wouldnt go with anything else and they are making a big name out...
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    Need cradle mount! C'mon!!!

    i have a cradle mount frame here for sale $60 it is off a FMR 08 model
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    wtf dirtmax 169 engine

    if built right and looked after they do :)
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    wtf dirtmax 169 engine

    Yeah but what i am saying is the bike i race is a bike that he sells and it is raceable how it is and wont break like my other 4 chinas i have had and none stop spent money on. this is a bike i get on and race and clean and dont fix anything unless i have a fall.
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    wtf dirtmax 169 engine

    WELL mate i haven't broken mine and the only thing to break is clutch and break levers and tubes from the power and me dropping it on corners. so what are you talking about breaking things? check the canungra results 2nd in 12" and 3rd in import so it does get ridden hard and still not break.??
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    wtf dirtmax 169 engine

    yeah mate cant beat them or break them. go hard and very reliable stock motor that has awesome power **** loads over lifan
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    Pitster Pro Dirtmax Head WTF??

    YES they have some good fast riders riding for them to. See you all out at the track and you will see how the Dirtmax goes:)