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  1. dafunk

    Sava Tyres and rim width

    what track were you able to ride with the big bikes ?:cheer2: up here on some tracks they wont lets us on with the big ens:ballchain: you at the island 2011? hope they make a class for us????
  2. dafunk

    Adelaide Mini Motard

    great to see you out wih the big bikes !! ya coming to the island 2011 ?
  3. dafunk

    2011 aussie minimotard champs • View topic - "TITLES AT THE ISLAND"/War And Peace Novel 1st ever ma approved aussie champs march 4th n 5th
  4. dafunk

    Hell to the *** yeh!

    was the supercross track the one you needed accreditation on ? if not then its t4 where the injured rider was . after crashing the pity on t4 i wasnt game to take the 250 on it . was a stunned mullet !!
  5. dafunk

    Hell to the *** yeh!

    had a great time , was only able to do 4-6 hours as had been to a bucks party thurs till fri morn, then kite boarding sat morning was awsomme session , then the wedding and recieption sat night till midnight. up at 4am drove to londins loaded and fell asleep in the back [thanks londin for...
  6. dafunk

    BlackDuck Valley MiniBike Ride Days!!!!!

    the duck no worries i will just take me exhaust off and do some "hot" laps that should clear the track
  7. dafunk

    Time for mud not motard -

    i think petes motard is perfect too!!!! who is this new sponser ??
  8. dafunk

    v2 head covers???

  9. dafunk

    v2 head covers???

    Get klx covers
  10. dafunk

    seized engine!!!

    I think take head off and give it to some one with the tools . Tools are worth at least $50
  11. dafunk

    The bug never ends

  12. dafunk

    Next MiniTard Track Day - Sunday 8th Aug 10-2pm

    great day thanks nocrfhere it wouldnt happen without you new track layout was sweet will be there for next one
  13. dafunk

    Next MiniTard Track Day - Sunday 8th Aug 10-2pm

    Can we runt he track backwards and do the dirt too? Also try the 2nd section of dirt its cool . last time with the oil on track it was good and different ,after you moved the tyres around. try more? to slow the track down .will make hp less advantageous it will even out competition .
  14. dafunk

    Next MiniTard Track Day - Sunday 8th Aug 10-2pm

    its the whole bike including dirt wheels with billet hubs and sm rims n tyres. you know how fast it is ,its also very reliable. you can test ride it on the weekend . id love to try yours too!
  15. dafunk

    Next MiniTard Track Day - Sunday 8th Aug 10-2pm

    yeah im there with 3 bikes n pilots . nocrfhere if you want the fastest motor its for sale $4k complete .
  16. dafunk

    Snatchy throttle

    well mine wentr heaps worse with the bigger pilot jet. continuous miss at low rpm couldnt be f....d changing it back at the track, so leaned it out on the needle ,heaps improved but not perfect ,will bing more tuning tools to the next minitard day
  17. dafunk

    free track demo night at archy

    there were hundreds of people there ! drift cars put on a great show , but we were to busy chatting get heaps more track time at the minitard days though we did 3 races 7 riders
  18. dafunk

    free track demo night at archy

    waz great to see you there londin! nice test and tune for the next minitard day !
  19. dafunk

    free track demo night at archy

    to all riders tonight please ring barry at prodirt to get your name at the gate for free entry
  20. dafunk

    free track demo night at archy

    looks good for friday and sat [start frothing] right kite ,start work late leave early, go to archy,have drinks, sleep wake up kite im gunna b f....d