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  1. minibikecr@zy

    Achtung Noobs! : Your New Pitbike and You... set up tips

    good job, i think you should be called the "tutorial technician" haha.
  2. minibikecr@zy

    front forks and rear shock ??

    what forks and shock?
  3. minibikecr@zy

    Quad bike Carby

    have you checked all the fuel hoses, my mums quad (yamaha kodiak 400) was doing the same thing, me and my dad cleaned out the carby replace the inline fuel filter and bumbed up the idle, and it works fine.
  4. minibikecr@zy

    CRF 230F or TTR 230

    i use to have a yz85 it was a great little bike, untill it got stolen =S
  5. minibikecr@zy

    New project

    well you can sell me 1 for $80 if you want? haha
  6. minibikecr@zy

    New project

    man $80 is pretty awesome haha
  7. minibikecr@zy

    Which 250 4 banger??????????

    i reckon a ktm exc300 2 stroke, would suite you down to the ground.
  8. minibikecr@zy

    Which 250 4 banger??????????

    yeh a well maintained 4 stoke will be just as reliable as a 2 stroke but 2 strokes are easyer to maintain and they are cheaper lol.
  9. minibikecr@zy

    SnItChYs' Z50 My Whip

    wheres my sun glasses, because that thing is shiny. looks great man that green is just awesome
  10. minibikecr@zy

    Which 250 4 banger??????????

    o yeh sorry about that, make sure you have a close look over the bike as some older model 4 strokes are very worn out, especially if they have spent there life on a track, i lean towards the crf as i like the way they handle there a bit narrower to the other bikes and a tad bit lighter. but...
  11. minibikecr@zy

    Which 250 4 banger??????????

    i have always had crf250r's and there awesome, and there not as bad as people say they are. are you getting a run out 2009 or a 2010?
  12. minibikecr@zy

    Show us your Bike Transport / Car Pics

    ^^^whats the thing attached to the number plate?^^^
  13. minibikecr@zy

    My China 110 build

    cool looks nice, post some pics up when ur done =)
  14. minibikecr@zy

    crf or pit bike

    there are crf50 look a likes around the web, but never seen some one call a pitbike a crf, if they did im shore the bloke's on here would send them to hell and back haha
  15. minibikecr@zy

    lifan 125cc (ip54fmi) more power??

    you have not seen "back to the future"
  16. minibikecr@zy

    Help On where to go!

    you probably dont want to buy over the net, but your best chance and prices are ebay for those type of china's.
  17. minibikecr@zy


    you probley dont have to spend much to make it faster though.
  18. minibikecr@zy

    need help on atomik *newbie*

    haha thats an awesome trade!
  19. minibikecr@zy

    what are the best mods for a pitpro 125rr?

    have a look on ebay theres some good stuff on there just watch out its not a copy.
  20. minibikecr@zy

    110cc crank into 140cc

    nope lol...whats"stroks it"