Which 250 4 banger??????????

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Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2008
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Hey Hey,
In a couple of weeks or so i should have enough cash to buy my new bike! :D
What i was wondering is what is your opinion on the 250f's? As in which one do u think is best?
I plan on doing a bit of trail riding, a few tracks, And eventually start jumping it. not 100 foot jumps, but not 3 foot either. if ya know what i mean
Ive been thinking YZ250f? or KXF250, Is the CRF250X any good? I dont really want a CRF250R as i read you have to rebuild them and maintain them alot more. But i also know the 250x's have less HP and weigh more with wide ratio gears, Dont really like suzuki ( unless its a 4bee :p ), Wouldnt mind a SX250F tho.. Havent heard alot about them.
Thinking around 04 - 05 model
Any Suggestions appreciated!!
Dan :rolleyes:
all are realy same same,
all will eat inlet valves & all will be fun to ride,
the KTM will be the most expensive to rebuild
you can get Steel inlet kits for the jap bikes that nearly fix's those issue
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Me personally, i'd go with a YZ-F.... They've always been the most reliable of the 250F bikes, dont have the exotic girlfriend-type High maintenance schedule, and generally are the best ALL ROUND bike of the 250s... Not saying they always win the shoot outs, but as an alrounder, both in cost, parts availability, maintenance costs and schedules, handling and performance, you cant really go wrong with the YZ-f, particularly if you are looking at a second hand one that is a few years old... it's only been the last couple of seasons that the other manufacturers have sorted out the valve clearance issues... which have never plagued the yamahas..
the 250X's and WR-Fs etc will be slightly less powerful, softer suspended, quieter, higher top speed etc, but this is all usually a timing and exhaust change away from being an mxer...
Me personally, i'd go with a YZ-F.... They've always been the most reliable of the 250F bikes, dont have the exotic girlfriend-type High maintenance schedule, and generally are the best ALL ROUND bike of the 250s... Not saying they always win the shoot outs, but as an alrounder, both in cost, parts availability, maintenance costs and schedules, handling and performance, you cant really go wrong with the YZ-f, particularly if you are looking at a second hand one that is a few years old... it's only been the last couple of seasons that the other manufacturers have sorted out the valve clearance issues... which have never plagued the yamahas..
the 250X's and WR-Fs etc will be slightly less powerful, softer suspended, quieter, higher top speed etc, but this is all usually a timing and exhaust change away from being an mxer...

Have fun with 3rd and 4th gear!! YZ250F's have the WORST gearboxes of any 250. Just a point to note if that doesn't bother you. Suspension is average at best compared to all other bikes.

I would go a CRF250 anyday over one. Rather do some stainless SS valves once than the gearbox which can keep happening and have wicked suspension and unreal brakes.

Every bike will have some weak points. Better off knowing most of them before you choose rather than a one eyed view. Can't comment on other brands as I haven't ridden them (rode an RM250f or whatever it is and was good but motor shat itself lol).

The enduro bikes have exactly the same suspension as their MX counterparts. Just set softer from the factory (well in Honda's case). The CAM/wide range gearbox/headlight/ADR is where the main differences are.
Cheers for the input fellas,
Good info there Thump*140...as always
Yeah ive been thinking the YZF is the go!
...Hmm havent heard of these gearbox problems? Whats the problem with them Motovertman? have you had this experience yourself? or heard it from a friend of a friend...? sorry it just seems your one of those " i only ride hondas" sorta guys, No offence, im a Toyota Fan 1 eyed man ( 4x4 obviously ) , Wouldnt change it eva! lol

And minibikecr@zy, Sorry mate i meant 2nd hand bike :p just new for me!, Looking at an 04-05 model probably.
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o yeh sorry about that, make sure you have a close look over the bike as some older model 4 strokes are very worn out, especially if they have spent there life on a track, i lean towards the crf as i like the way they handle there a bit narrower to the other bikes and a tad bit lighter. but good luck with it.
YZF's have gearbox issues?? Never heard of that one before... We've had two YZF's in the family, both an '01 and an '02, both raced by A and B grade mxers, and both bikes are yet to suffer any sort of failure. Wouldnt have said we lucked out...
As every one has said, they're all pretty much of a muchness nowadays, but that's the later model ones... if we're talking '04-'05 models... then yeah, i still say yamaha... The mid-naughties 2fiddy-Fs were the worst offenders when it came to eating valves...
As much as the Honda is a great bike, and yes does have a stronger motor and better suspenders than the YZ-F, too much fiddly maintenance for my liking... Never quite understood Honda getting such massive reps for reliability, when the bloody things need so much maintenance.. especially the two-stroke mxers!!!
and before someone has a tantrum about one-eyed yamaha supporters, i own a Honda, half a dozen chinas, two yamahas, have had two other hondas, two suzooks and a kwaka... all good bikes with their own merits... :)
The 04 and 05 kxf and rmz are the same bike, different colour plastics, Suzuki and Kawasaki came together to build this bike.

I believe the crf won most of the 04 and 05 shootouts and yamaha had already been building the 250f for a few years so for the crf to win it has to be a pretty good bike.A bike of this age depending how it has been ridden your probably going to need to rebuild it unless it already has already been so make sure you can find out about some of the bikes history.

If your not a racer and are just trail riding as long as you start out with a good bike that thing should last a long time.

What about a 2stroke? They are much cheaper to maintain and modern ones are very reliable.
all yamaha haters come out with the dodgy gear box talk

ha ha, was gonna say, i've raced against, and ridden with a lot of yamahas... the only gearbox issues i've ever heard of were the first 426's blowing clutch baskets.. too much stick... motors with the power delivery of a hand grenade etc...
that and WR400's and 426's dropping big ends and top gears from doing wheelies that were too long, no oil getting to the pump, and the motor more or less running dry where it needs it...
If we go off topic and start hating on other bikes, i'm gonna go with Honda and KTM headshake... ha ha!!
The 04 and 05 kxf and rmz are the same bike, different colour plastics, Suzuki and Kawasaki came together to build this bike.

I believe the crf won most of the 04 and 05 shootouts and yamaha had already been building the 250f for a few years so for the crf to win it has to be a pretty good bike.A bike of this age depending how it has been ridden your probably going to need to rebuild it unless it already has already been so make sure you can find out about some of the bikes history.

If your not a racer and are just trail riding as long as you start out with a good bike that thing should last a long time.

What about a 2stroke? They are much cheaper to maintain and modern ones are very reliable.

i agree, the first CRF WAS a great bike. I also agree it was a better PERFORMING bike than the yamaha... it just wasnt reliable... read the late '05 and early '06 mags, particularly excerpts from race teams, about the reliability of the first 250f's offered by EVERY manufacturer... They all took a few years to get em right..
The 04 and 05 kxf and rmz are the same bike, different colour plastics, Suzuki and Kawasaki came together to build this bike.

Really? Didnt know that ay.
So exactly the same except plastics? or is there lots of other small changes too??

Lol thanks for clearing that up Thump*...
Motovertman do you have any more input for this topic?

are 2 strokes more reliable n easyer to maintain and cheaper to rebuild then 4 strokes??? :confused:
Please explain if so
My mate's Crf450x is easy as to maintain, Always runs sweet and stuff, On the other hand...my mate chriso's cr125, Always gotta do something to it...Oil on the plug, Oil shitting out the exhaust, Cluch burnt out, Needs rebuilds all the time, Last one cost him $1600 cus the bottom end ****** up from a peice of metal in it or something along those lines.. Maybe hes just unlucky lol

Ah i feel stupid
Well you dont know unless you ask do ya

Keep the replies comming!
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yes, a well maintained thumper will be just as reliable as a two stroke. If not more. But the key word here is well maintained. thumper require a hell of a lot of maintenance. You've only gotta take a look at the number of cheap thumpers for sale, that are on the edge of needing big dollars spent on them, usually by ex-two-stroke riders, for whom new generation thumper maintenance is a new thing. Generally, the thumpers will actually be more reliable...the problem is, when they go wrong, they go wrong with a bang... and will do their best to empty your wallet. to rebuild a two stroke from the ground up will leave you change from 2 grand.. a ground up engine rebuild on a thumper wont leave you much from $5k....
if you're a complete noob to bikes, and bike maintenance, i'd go with a well maintained 125 two stroke over a 5 year old thumper that is most likely to need big dollar maintenance pretty shortly...
yes, a well maintained thumper will be just as reliable as a two stroke. If not more. But the key word here is well maintained. thumper require a hell of a lot of maintenance. You've only gotta take a look at the number of cheap thumpers for sale, that are on the edge of needing big dollars spent on them, usually by ex-two-stroke riders, for whom new generation thumper maintenance is a new thing. Generally, the thumpers will actually be more reliable...the problem is, when they go wrong, they go wrong with a bang... and will do their best to empty your wallet. to rebuild a two stroke from the ground up will leave you change from 2 grand.. a ground up engine rebuild on a thumper wont leave you much from $5k....
if you're a complete noob to bikes, and bike maintenance, i'd go with a well maintained 125 two stroke over a 5 year old thumper that is most likely to need big dollar maintenance pretty shortly...

Hmm Thx for ur input,
Yeah im pretty new to bikes compared to most of you fellas...
a 125 2 banger dont have enough power :p i mean they got sting...but yeah ive been riding my mates 450x and after riding that then jumpin on a 125 it just seems gutless...Id buy a 450, But i wanna do jumps soon and yeah...450 is a bit heavy.
But yeah im willing to learn and do the maintence on my bike if i get a 4 banger..
So, WHAT is the diffrence in maintence between a 4 banger and 2? ( lube chain, Clean filters, Drop oil 2-3 rides, Replace Piston & ring & gaskets when needed, Valves? Cam Chain? ) And i think it looks like theres alot more 2 bangers out there hanging on by theyre last thread trying to be sold then 4' bangas.....But im all ears!! im sure you know alot more then me..

Now im sorta thinking 250 2 stroke...Ah damn you thump* :p
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Your not going to like a 250f if you've been riding a 450x the best way i can describe them is gutless with a captial G!! we live in the desert and every body has thumpers both 250f's and 450's they both still require alot of maintenance pick a coulour and go with it really!! atleast get one with an alloy frame they're light and they look cool polished for the bling factor try and find one through mates that way you might have some sort of indication of what its life has been!
go the big bore 2 or 4 stroke . it will last longer because you wont be able to flog it as hard .
id go for a smaller bike if your racing or a lightwieght
2 stroke cheaper , to buy and rebuild .
cr 500 hell yeah!!

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