crf or pit bike

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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2009
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why do people on this site post pictures of pittys and call them crf's they are crf styled not an actual crf
why do people on this site post pictures of pittys and call them crf's they are crf styled not an actual crf

I don't know what you're on about mate, I haven't seen anyone doing that :confused:

maybe you just think they're pitty's because they're highly modified crf's?

can you show me a link to someone calling their pitty a crf?
you probably just think its a china coz its a FULL MOD CRF50 much bigger than stock
what do u mean, people are calling there chinies pit bikes a crf 50? if soo I haven't scene 1 person say they have a crf when they don't :$
i cant find it again but people are doin it on this site and all over the web
there are crf50 look a likes around the web, but never seen some one call a pitbike a crf, if they did im shore the bloke's on here would send them to hell and back haha
do you maybe mean or misunderstand when people say they have a crf style pitbike which i do and would take it over a stocker anyday

i also have a klx style midsize all that refers to is the style of plastics

and trust me when i say if people were to say that there china was a crf they would get bagged out to no end and i'd imagine the mods and myself would just laugh it off
I haz Yamaha plastics on my Blitz... does that make it a YZ-F now???
Awesome!! :D
For Sale: *cough*
"Genuine" YZ250F. 2008 model *cough cough*
RARE electric start model. Steel Alloy perimeter frame.. *giggle*
Yellow Limited Edition plastics.
$4000 ono
quick sale, moving over there >>>>>>>>
yeah mate, it's a real yammie...
*cough cough cough ******** cough cough*.... :D
^^^^ bahahahah
yer he prob thinks that people with crf50 and are Rollin 12's on the front like a usal pitbike and saying they are a crf when they actual are but he prob thinks there just chines pittys.

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