there are crf50 look a likes around the web, but never seen some one call a pitbike a crf, if they did im shore the bloke's on here would send them to hell and back haha
do you maybe mean or misunderstand when people say they have a crf style pitbike which i do and would take it over a stocker anyday
i also have a klx style midsize all that refers to is the style of plastics
and trust me when i say if people were to say that there china was a crf they would get bagged out to no end and i'd imagine the mods and myself would just laugh it off
For Sale: *cough*
"Genuine" YZ250F. 2008 model *cough cough*
RARE electric start model. Steel Alloy perimeter frame.. *giggle*
Yellow Limited Edition plastics.
$4000 ono
quick sale, moving over there >>>>>>>>
yeah mate, it's a real yammie...
*cough cough cough ******** cough cough*....
^^^^ bahahahah
yer he prob thinks that people with crf50 and are Rollin 12's on the front like a usal pitbike and saying they are a crf when they actual are but he prob thinks there just chines pittys.