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  1. westy465

    Weekend Ride!

    haha man, your lucky it diddnt blow up in your face!
  2. westy465

    TB 88cc RH question

    yep sorted it, just went way skinny on the clearances ant it doesnt sound like a tractor anymore.
  3. westy465

    2004 klx143

    see what the carbon tax does? this is a great buy ladies, do not hesitate.
  4. westy465

    perth mini sx

    I think the drug and anchol policy will be the biggest hurdle. not to mention bikes passing scruitneering. brakes? what brakes?
  5. westy465

    TB 88cc RH question

    I might have one floating around. cheers
  6. westy465

    TB 88cc RH question

    cheers mate. also, his honda head only had one locating dowel in it, major concern?
  7. westy465

    TB 88cc RH question

    another vid I found, my main question here is, Why the **** is that guy packin a gun? must have something to do with the gangsta music in the background. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  8. westy465

    TB 88cc RH question

    haha and check out the dude in the vid, vanilla ice is into minis.
  9. westy465

    TB 88cc RH question

    this is not my vid, but it sounds just like this, so if this is the norm, then sweet action lets go ridin. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  10. westy465

    TB 88cc RH question

    fellas, did a TB 88cc RH install for a mate this arvo, and i turned it over by hand before i put the plug in and couldnt hear anything touching, plus the timing is so easy to line up anyway. it started really easily, and revs fine, but the head is realllly noisy (compared to my 88cc...
  11. westy465

    Carby Questions

    if your comparing it to a watercooled motor, yes it will be hotter. the fins on your cylinder and head are what is used to dissipare the heat and cool the engine so they are designed to be hot. and the exhaust, just stay away from it, its always gonna be hot, and loves taking layers of skin off...
  12. westy465

    Hillz's CRF50

    yeh I have seen the vids of you guys in the carparks, that looks like sweet fun.
  13. westy465

    Hillz's CRF50

    wheelies with stock head easy? i still havent figured that out yet.
  14. westy465

    FiddyBraa's Stock Build.

    why type of frame?
  15. westy465

    Hillz's CRF50

    aww no more reverse chopper?
  16. westy465

    Hillz's CRF50

    the bastard can do a km long wheelie on a stocker.
  17. westy465

    Is it really economical to rebuild an older big bike?

    but at the end of the day if you have a bike with a rebuild motor and new linkage, bearings all round and plastics for 3.5-4k would be great value. you wouldnt be able to buy that.
  18. westy465

    Hillz's CRF50

    for the race bike?
  19. westy465

    Is it really economical to rebuild an older big bike?

    I would be looking for a 2000 or 2001 CR250. those things were weapons, the strongest motors of the lot. and its not the first generation ally frame, so some of those bugs had bee ironed out by then.
  20. westy465

    tb 108 kit stupid install questions

    push it down between the crankcase and the swimgarm.