Is it really economical to rebuild an older big bike?

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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
Greenbank QLD
To Rebuild, .... or Not to Rebuild... that is the question.

So now that I have my LXR, and I'm loving my new found lack of dirt skills, I contemplate a big bike project, and find myself wondering if it is really an economical way of getting another bike.

Background: I have ridden road bikes for 15 years, and the LXR is my first dirt bike, apart from riding a 1976 Honda XL175 at friends farm every xmas through high skool. I had many road bikes, and last bike was a 2005 CBR1000RR, before I met the missus and turned it into an engagement ring. Bla bla blagh... insert time here, 2 years ago, I struct an amazing deal on a shiny new GSXR750, so its in the garage :)

Then in a moment of clarity, I decided in my infinite wisdom, that rebuilding a 1979 CB750 would be fun, into a Brat style cafe racerish bike. Cool. Well it got sold 2 months back for reasons beyond my control, unfinished, but nearly roadworthy again. So, the LXR is my CB750 replacement, and never looking back! Once you've had dirt.... you um.... never go back?

So anyways... I'm ok building things, probably not at stripping down an entire engine, but top end I could handle, and most other frame, suspension, steering etc, I can do also. Suspension rebuilds? best left to an expert.

Enter new idea for the week: Why don't I get a bomb of an older WR426, or CR250 or something, and attempt a ground up freshen up, to end up being my 'big bike' for general Moto Park floggin', leaving the LXR for potential racing duties(if I end up good enough to mix it with you guys!)


Question: If I could pick up an early 2000's model CR or CRF 250 or WRsomething, is a complete rebuild doable for under $4-5k? Or are you better off just waiting and buying something in that $5-6000 bracket? And, are 2 smokers' much cheaper to maintain and rebuild than the 4 strokers? - Gotta say I'm not much of a 2stroke fan in the sound department... nothin' better than a 4 banger sound... I absolutely love the sound of my LXR! Thank you mista Pro Circuit!

Ugh... another one of my long winded go nowhere posts.... Anyways, what's your thoughts guys?
Hey mate... Interesting post... Youre doing the same thing that happened to me..
once you got the pitty, you get bitten by the bug, and start lookin at big bikes too...
Ive had road bikes in the past too, but once you start flogging around a MX track, road riding seems so boring!

Good news is you really need need a pitty and a big bike to feel complete ha ha... pittys are great for racing with mates and riding smaller tracks.. big bike is awesome for enduro, big jumps, trails and I would say improves your overall bike skills.. especially when you get back on the small bike...

Dont know much about rebuilding big bikes, so my input is pretty limited. I have noticed not that many people part out big bikes... they are mostly sold as a whole.. and the sum of parts could be more than the bike! Talking parts like forks, suspension, carbies, etc..

Older 4strokes are something to steer clear of... the newer generation of 4strokes have come a long way and are nowdays much better and more reliable. For the money you are talking about, you could get a beautiful bike, and have cash to spare on some good gear, or on improvements etc...

I got a 2008 KX250F for $3600, its been babied its whole life, just an amazing bike to ride... and a mate just bought a 2007 RMX250 for $2900 and it is clean as a whistle! Theres a pic of it below...

If youre the kinda guy who likes a project, go for a rebuild... maybe a bike that has not been looked after and needs cosmetic or mecanical work, but id try and get something newer... will be overall a better bike with better suspension, frame, etc...

Thats just my 2 cents worth... youre on a winner of an idea though I recon! ha ha..

yeah man cool post and cool idea. By the way dynamics that is an RMZ not an RMX. :) What sort of budget are you going to allow for your big bike? I would say go two stroke if you are on a budget. But definitely stay away from early YZ 250F's and 04,05,06 RMZ's,KXF's and CRF'S. If you want a four stroke, dont buy one more than a couple of years old and make sure it is low hour and good condition
yeah man cool post and cool idea. By the way dynamics that is an RMZ not an RMX. :) What sort of budget are you going to allow for your big bike? I would say go two stroke if you are on a budget. But definitely stay away from early YZ 250F's and 04,05,06 RMZ's,KXF's and CRF'S. If you want a four stroke, dont buy one more than a couple of years old and make sure it is low hour and good condition

Thanks lads... The bug certainly has bitten. Hey Dyna, I have also come to the conclusion that I NEED a pitty, full size dirt bike, and a road bike.... ;) Wifey has 4 horses... I can't see a problem??

I don't really have any coin right now, cos I just got the pitty, and am still aquiring gear... ( I just got a pair of thor pants and Fox jersey for $140! :) I love sales). But, I kinda thought, well if I was to do a build, then I'd be looking at no more than say, $1500-2000 MAX, for the doner bike. But if I could find something with good gearbox, frame, etc, for say $1000, then that would be better. I wouldn't mind if it took time to build, as I have the Gixxer 7fiddy, and the LXR :)

But I expect, that I might end up wanting a decent enduro bike, that, I could do weekend trips on etc. So... dunno.

When you say stay away from early 4strokes... I thought the 2000-2004/5 WR's were pretty bullet proof? Bit of a toss up really, a early 2000 2 stroker, probably easy and cheap to rebuild engine wise, and cheap to buy. Good to fang round the moto parks, but can't take out on organised trail rides etc, cos they can't be registered in QLD. 4 Strokes? Harder to maintain, and more expensive... Ugh.

But as Dyna pointed out, under $4k can get you a very nice looking 07/08 4 stroke ready to go! hmmmm....
If your looking at 3-4k for a re-build it is deffinately doable, in fact for that sort of money you could pick up a reasonalble early 2000 2smoke in decent condition. Iv'e been looking round lately at the same sort of thing, I did find a dead KTM360 for $1000 seemed in good nick just the engine was stuffed (bottom end apparently) rang my local mechanic and he reckons for around the 2k mark he could do a full rebuild (bottom and top) asnd i'm pretty sure if i was to do it myself (which i really don't have the mechanical aptitude for) could probly get it done for just over 1k. HOWEVER according to the wife I have to get rid of one b4 i can have another :( Bloody fun police.......
Yeah I guess that's the thing hey... $$$. The good thing about a bomb rebuild is it's little bits of $ here and there. Doesn't hurt so much then. Big ticket stuff like suspension and engine rebuilds will still hurt but all the rest is little stuff...
I would be looking for a 2000 or 2001 CR250. those things were weapons, the strongest motors of the lot. and its not the first generation ally frame, so some of those bugs had bee ironed out by then.
for me it is, i preffer blown up bikes.. cost me $800 to fully rebuild a CRF250, 2 strokes half the cost..

but you also have things like linkage, swingarm & wheel bearings, brakes etc to worry about on old bikes & quick bargain can turn into a big money pit
but at the end of the day if you have a bike with a rebuild motor and new linkage, bearings all round and plastics for 3.5-4k would be great value. you wouldnt be able to buy that.

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