TB 88cc RH question

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2010
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did a TB 88cc RH install for a mate this arvo, and i turned it over by hand before i put the plug in and couldnt hear anything touching, plus the timing is so easy to line up anyway.

it started really easily, and revs fine, but the head is realllly noisy (compared to my 88cc stock head/race cam, Or "limo" for your east cost types), sounds like valve noise. is this normal for the TB head?

can anyone post up/or a link to, their TB RH engines running so I can compare? and what clearances are you using?

many thanks, dont wanna give this back to him just yet, I wanna take it for a "test ride" ;)
this is not my vid, but it sounds just like this, so if this is the norm, then sweet action lets go ridin.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ickFdSNtOow" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
haha and check out the dude in the vid, vanilla ice is into minis.
another vid I found, my main question here is, Why the **** is that guy packin a gun? must have something to do with the gangsta music in the background.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/g6Ly78KXyn0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Ive heard the TB heads are noisy things.. sounds about normal to me from all the videos ive seen in the past, that low level ticky i wouldn't be worried about. My DOHC has a similar noise plus the gear noise its all good.
cheers mate.
also, his honda head only had one locating dowel in it, major concern?
umm yeah, id be wanting the dowel in there thats what centers everything. classic50's has them for like $2 or $3 i saw them the other day.
My tb88cc rh is quiet as, runs very smooth with little 'ticking noise' maybe just check you valve clearances?
yep sorted it, just went way skinny on the clearances ant it doesnt sound like a tractor anymore.

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