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Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. dj.licastro

    You Are Gay

    bahaahahahahah BANNNNNNNNED! Godzilla = Banned Piece of ****
  2. dj.licastro

    Day On my thumpstar pro 06

    Nice, wish i culda got out this weeknd on a bike:)
  3. dj.licastro

    Well i was bored.....

    lol. come to QLD, ****** never rains (cept apparently meant ot shower this weeknd):) its **** as, we will b drinking our own **** and piss if it doesnt rain soon enough in the rite places hahaha it suks
  4. dj.licastro

    riding at oxford falls in northern sydney

    Is that Black Bike with Gold Forks an ORiON/ATOMiK?
  5. dj.licastro

    Goodbye Pitpro!

    HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA. well one thing is its good for the consumer. hopefully get abit of a price war goin haha. I wuld buy an atomik if its identical an cheeper. just take the stick kit off. if i bought a pit pro the stickers wuld b off ASAP anyways :)
  6. dj.licastro

    pics of agb 29 jumping or jus sitting

    That Crankin GUY has sic pics
  7. dj.licastro

    pics of agb 29 jumping or jus sitting

    Thanks HILLZ, legend:)
  8. dj.licastro

    pics of agb 29 jumping or jus sitting

    can u get me a link for CRANKIN gallery please HILLZ
  9. dj.licastro

    Mini-Moto Shops?

    Heyy Guys, Ok so i have posted a couple of threads now and thanks for the reply's! Now i am after assistance in looking for these bikes. I live in (metro)BRISBANE, QLD. Just wondering if anyone specifically knows where shops are. could you give me that name, cos i have looked in the phone...
  10. dj.licastro

    motovert VS my pitpro's lol

    HAHAHAHAHA.. Sounds like a good weeknd!:)
  11. dj.licastro

    What should i choose?

    what the. they dont retail for 700$ do they Flarry? :confused:
  12. dj.licastro

    What should i choose?

    yeah teh only differeence from the X7 to the PRO is the Fastace Forks
  13. dj.licastro

    What should i choose?

    Thanks Guys! any veiws on MSO's?:D if so what model?
  14. dj.licastro

    post piks of ya Pitpro:)

    Some Nice Bikes all round:D
  15. dj.licastro

    What should i choose?

    Heyy Dudes, Ok, so i been researching this heeps online and at places and by reading all the threads and now i am stuck. what should i choose to buy?:confused: Either:// Orion ProX 140cc PitPro 125 or 140cc(oil cooled) DHZ Outlaw 140cc(oil cooled) Can anyone offer any advise on...
  16. dj.licastro

    Discounted Bikes

    Heyy Peeps, Does anyone no if PitPro of MSO discount for bulk buys say of 3 bikes? and in comparison to Atomiks and Orion do they hav more extra's i.e metal fuel cap and stuff?
  17. dj.licastro

    Buythisdirtbike, EBAY Member, DO NOT BUY FROM THEM!!!

    That suks. i hate it wen people f*** you around! really angers me, who can u trust anymore
  18. dj.licastro

    Bike Size's? Orion vs. Pit Pro

    thanks guys!
  19. dj.licastro

    Bike Size's? Orion vs. Pit Pro

    Whats the diff? which is better to ride say for a person 175cm.