Just picked up a Pair of Tomahawk Slingshots AGB29AF

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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2007
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Hey guys just picked up a couple of slingshots off dreamrider store on ebay,

bikes arrived in a timely fashion, I bought 2, one for me, 1 for my misses/communal bike (for my mates to ride ect)

I've put them together, apart from the rear disks being different to the front, (not that I care) everything was as expected, quality is better than expected.. Forks need use, the seals/bushings are still really sticky.

forks don't appear to be gas charged, so looks like i can change the oil, make them feel/work how I want.

One thing I noticed, the rear shocks look the same, except one has "Fastace" on it, the other has "Orion technologys"

the bike with the orion shock, wasn't quite as good a bike, like more stuff loose, a few missing bolts, chain not set right, brakes not setup quite right.. all easy things to fix, but the other bike was setup just perfect. interestingly.

Both engines, started second kick, they pur, run great. Can't complain about that at all!!

Overall very happy, for the money i paid, I don't have anything significant to complain about. plan to put a good 30-40 hours on both of them in the coming 2 weeks.

anyone else have similar experiences?

Won then at auction, $590 and $610 each $245 Post including insurance each to Perth.

so $845 each all up basically..

Although, you have to win the auctions at the right price,
they are identical as far as i can see to the atomik Pro X 125, they sell cheaper because the freight is more expensive.

Got photos or a link to the eBay sellers shop who sold you them?
lucky! i had to pull my carby off & clean it b4 it would even run.... & testing it down the street i popt a rear tube (my bad for doing a wheelie on a flat tyre)

but yeah i noticed some places to perth are $245 my house is real metro area & it's was $245 but my work that is 20km out of metro i got for $170!
Lol, say it costed 200 to post,they get charged 100 and basically pocket 100.
no **** i got my bike cheap but they wcked on a huge freight cost of like $250 and others where sending them for like $160 and they were still making a profit. oh well its cheap fun so what can you expect.lol
I got my last bike from Melbourne delivered here in Newcastle for $76 and took 3 days. I was stunned at how cheap it was, True postage price without the extra dollar they want for themselves I spose...
i'm keepin an eye on these bikes on ebay, as well as the atomik/orion agb-21's now
yeh the agb29 are really good bikes. im biulding a race ducar motor up with the macanic of atomik so yeh. tune the carby put a 105 main jet in it and they run better thats wat i donw wif my new one and goes heaps better... post piks of them mate:)
loctite all the bolts ie swinarm bolt, axle bolts, bolts that hold the stand onto the frame thats all i can think of
Well have spent a weekend with the bikes,
the engines are great, no issues, start first kick every time, I'm running just normal 95 ron fuel, if that helps dunno, everything had to be locktighted, I managed to loose the top nut off the forks, but found one locally luckily.

Yes almost everything came loose, after first ride, so everything was stripped and locktighted. I've changed the oil to thumper oil, they run nicer now.

My largest complaint is the forks, they generally suck.

at first I thought it was seals causing stiction, but upon disassembly, I realised they are too cheap to be open bath, they don't have oil seals on the legs, just wipers, since the damping cartridge is a sealed unit.

I worked out the issue is mainly that the oil in them, is 1. too lower quality, and 2. too heavy. of course changing the oil is another challenge, there is some nasty c clips to get the fork apart which don't appear to be ment to be disassemled.

so in order to change the oil, I simply just removed the damping adjuster rods, and emptyed and refilled them like that.

the stock oils appear to be 7.5wt in the rebound, and 2.5wt in the compression.
I changed both to 5wt thinking it would be softer, the rebound leg did get better, but the compression leg got worse.

the other issue is you need a shock pump, luckily i had one, there is air valves at the bottom, which after filling with oil, need to be filled to stop the bike bottoming out. I put 100psi in each leg, seems ok, but i won't know till I can rebuild both legs with 2.5wt oil, and do some testing. Alas they are cheap bikes, I couldn't expect open bath forks I guess, since the main leg oil seals would prove too expensive for cheap Chinese bikes I'd imagine.

the other thing I noticed with these bikes, the pipe itself, isn't welded to the manifold.. it just, basically slides over the manifold pipe.. so like the exhaust gases can leak backwards.. not sure if I should seal this up or not.


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