Well i was bored.....

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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2006
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lil old littlehampton, SA
ah guyes and girls i was really bord to day and disided to detail the MSO! u like it??


all i did is painted the lifan thing lol
lol. come to QLD, ****** never rains (cept apparently meant ot shower this weeknd):) its **** as, we will b drinking our own **** and piss if it doesnt rain soon enough in the rite places hahaha it suks
wheres your rear gaurd??
i dont use it lol i looped out and broke the clips. but i like it betta without it just easyer to move around and **** got sumthen to grap onto.
u havnt seen the other side....:d bit ov a stack on the road. and we dont have mud in SA hasnt rained for like A bizzilion years. lol

thats bull $*** I was there about 2-3yrs ago 4 New Years and it rained tha whole 1 1/2weeks I was there, I saw stacks of mud...so :p
I notice that your exhaust is hardly discoloured, it must run pretty cool. Does your rear brake line scratch the crap out of your swing arm?
I was on the gold coast for 5 days about 3 weeks ago and it rained for 3 of em. It may be dry compared to ususal up there but it was 10 times greener than western NSW.
yeah il do that

with these BBR copy zorst their is a 5-6mm lip in the end cap i grinded mine out, it gave it a better flow and sounds betta. i recomend doing it people.
Your bike looks new still, you should see my pitpro, I scratched the hell out of the engine and today I broke both clutch and brake levers off in one crash GRRR there goes my long weekend riding!! :mad: :mad:
thats bull $*** I was there about 2-3yrs ago 4 New Years and it rained tha whole 1 1/2weeks I was there, I saw stacks of mud...so :p

No one took the drought seriously 2-3 years ago ^^

Your bike is looking awesome man, the sticker kit looks kinda lame.. though, just the text MSO ruins it. Anyway lookin good!
No one took the drought seriously 2-3 years ago ^^

Your bike is looking awesome man, the sticker kit looks kinda lame.. though, just the text MSO ruins it. Anyway lookin good!

yeah i no ay il get a good one for it soon any idears on what kit would be good on her?
Get a DC sticker kit. They look awesome

Take all the stickers off, take a pic. I want to see what it looks like without stickers compared to what it looks like with crappy MSO stickers

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