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Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. Dave.B

    Site Suggestions

    it would do nothing but good, it works for many other sites actually, its just a trust sceme.
  2. Dave.B

    12 in wheel drum brake?

    is it as simple as respoking the drum break or is it abit more complicated? i have 10inches but i want to change the front to 12 and i have drum brakes.
  3. Dave.B

    Site Suggestions

    a system u should really consider is new members cant just come on and register theres a system where they HAVE TO get a referal from an existing member and if he ***** up not only he is banned but the previous member is also
  4. Dave.B

    running in your bike?

    your going to get it again, some will say thrash it for abit and some will say dont, doesnt mean coz YOU made another thread that people are going to see eye to eye.
  5. Dave.B

    What Size Sprockets!!!!

    obvously u know that a 37 tooth adds top speed so maybe do the math and reverse that?
  6. Dave.B

    Site Suggestions

    if u wack in bold writing on the front FREE MODS with a link to it im sure it will work haha
  7. Dave.B

    Regulator/Rectifier pins

    i might not be looking in the right places but where did u get your rectifier?
  8. Dave.B

    Bloody Camera

    also on this... i have got a camera but i have lost all cd with the program.. it is a jvc mini dv (little vid tape) is there a way i can get this info onto my pc still ?? can anyone help on this ?? what info are u needing? even windows movie maker should automatically detect your camera and...
  9. Dave.B

    Double back flip

    gnarly, some serious balls to give that a go, quite smooth too
  10. Dave.B

    October 50 of the month **Vote Here**

    rubys, nice and clean
  11. Dave.B

    Site Suggestions

    seein the subject has been raised in a few threads i thought ill make one where maybe we can pool some good suggestions together to make this place more user friendly etc. I myself have a few some i dont know if it would work but others might, anyhow im thinking maybe something similar to...
  12. Dave.B

    site slow?

    maybe a newer/bigger server is needed? i see alot of people view this site all the time
  13. Dave.B

    atomik 70cc motox

    dude i have a 50cc 4 stroke and with a few mods its a shy off 80kms
  14. Dave.B

    Pics of your helmets

    how much would i be looking at for a cheap helmet, something just to do the job?
  15. Dave.B

    Sixeven, Cheers

    its the internet in general, all popular sites turned corrupt and yahoo chat like, if u be too strict i think it will fold
  16. Dave.B

    gansta cruizing

    was a link from the kid doing the buggy wheelie, i like the fact they are ghetto'd out but have nice control on there wheelies YouTube - Longest 4 Wheeler Wheely on U Tube
  17. Dave.B

    "Was That Good?"

    that was amazing
  18. Dave.B

    It Has begun(New track)

    wish i owned property to make a track
  19. Dave.B

    site slow?

    sounds like a crime that i didnt know that..
  20. Dave.B

    would 12" wheels fit my bike?

    i have the same problem but i have a shittier swingarm, only thing that i dont like is having to replace my shock with a new swingarm, 10inch is fine for now i guess