seein the subject has been raised in a few threads i thought ill make one where maybe we can pool some good suggestions together to make this place more user friendly etc. I myself have a few some i dont know if it would work but others might, anyhow im thinking maybe something similar to with a set out on the front page nice and clear for people with maybe some experience members have a short brief describtion, parts required etc, the idea mainly being kind of like a faq sections but sprice up with a few pics, another is maybe to delete a heap of threads, in the last 2 weeks or so ive read nearly every thread on this site (not working atm) and my god there is more to poke a stick at with which carby? which this, mod this bla bla bla, basically keeping everything to a minimum with faq and this might unclog the server and make the site run quicker? and yes there still will be a point to the forums, cause unique or ideas can still be passed around. Im sure im not the only one whos sick of seein the same things, or feel bored with the boring subjects but if we all got together and jogged down some ideas it could really turn **** around or even start a nicer cleaner user friendly site..