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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2006
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seein the subject has been raised in a few threads i thought ill make one where maybe we can pool some good suggestions together to make this place more user friendly etc. I myself have a few some i dont know if it would work but others might, anyhow im thinking maybe something similar to with a set out on the front page nice and clear for people with maybe some experience members have a short brief describtion, parts required etc, the idea mainly being kind of like a faq sections but sprice up with a few pics, another is maybe to delete a heap of threads, in the last 2 weeks or so ive read nearly every thread on this site (not working atm) and my god there is more to poke a stick at with which carby? which this, mod this bla bla bla, basically keeping everything to a minimum with faq and this might unclog the server and make the site run quicker? and yes there still will be a point to the forums, cause unique or ideas can still be passed around. Im sure im not the only one whos sick of seein the same things, or feel bored with the boring subjects but if we all got together and jogged down some ideas it could really turn **** around or even start a nicer cleaner user friendly site..
Yes , this site needs a FAQ section... but 13-15year olds are generally slack and trying to get post counts up so thats going to be a waist of time because they dont search the pages as it is.
if u wack in bold writing on the front FREE MODS with a link to it im sure it will work haha
personally i think you have something, not saying the mods arent doing there job but more can be done, if a thread is more than 6 months old and its a thread that didnt take off or really doesnt give any good info i personally think it should be axed, also the for sale threads should go if they have been inactive for 6 months.
also i think the late addition of tuts was a good step forward,
maybe we could have a better ranking system on here other than members and senior members, dont know how it would work exactly, but more ranks kind of like in the army and you can go up ranks by just posting unhelpful crap. maybe if other people were to give you points or something on how many good posts youve made or so on???

anyway, i personally like the site, dont love it yet but it is heading in the right direction, the main problem is the young average age but thats really not going to change fast if at all, it just needs to be contained, not saying all the younger guys/girls on here are idiots but there are a few that give the majority a bad name.
The reason theres not many "older" members is cause theres nothing here to keep the Geniune riders here!!

the kids hang around cause thats whats kids do, but the true riders theres nothing happening for them,

its needs things to keep the hardcores interested, it gets very boring reading "what ebay bike" 15 times a day, or the constant repetive same questions asked over and over!

I gave miniriders a list of things to consider, and he was stoked at first, than gave up, so if hes not interested than who is???

me personally iam pretty much over it now, and will only be checking it a few times a month now... way too much BS happening lately!
I reckon the worst is bloody people posting pics of standard bikes when there are plenty of photos either on here or other places on the net, also post count should only go up in tech and reviews, that way, we know the senior members must know a bit about bikes. And 'is the bike good' threads should be deleted they are the worst ever, there is a forum thread made to stop people doing that but they still do! if your bike or the bike you want isn't in minibike reviews its probably a POS and no body bothered buying it :)
a system u should really consider is new members cant just come on and register theres a system where they HAVE TO get a referal from an existing member and if he ***** up not only he is banned but the previous member is also
a system u should really consider is new members cant just come on and register theres a system where they HAVE TO get a referal from an existing member and if he ***** up not only he is banned but the previous member is also

thats a good way to ruin new members IMO, no one will bother and will just find another site!
^^^ Lol thats exactly what i thought, but come on guys, we gotta give the mods a break. Its not as easy as snapping ya fingers to keep a forum under control. I haven't even seen benox jezebelle or hillz on for ages, looks like foolsp33ds been the only mod. Changes do need to happen and they will happen in the near future but you guys have to give the mods a rest and support them rather than flame them IMHO
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I'd say it is that easy, just delete every post you see thats against the rules, I could do that easily.
So your saying that you Would read every single post in every single thread. and then delete the inapropiate ones?
it would do nothing but good, it works for many other sites actually, its just a trust sceme.
personally i think we need more mods and mature 1s instead of younger people people over 25 i reckon and theres heaps of responsible people on here that could do it
snitchy is 1 and i think every1 would back me up when i say if we were choosing a mod snitchy would be the go
infact that site is alot my appealing to read etc, the reason i want this site to suceed and get back on track is that its local...
So your saying that you Would read every single post in every single thread. and then delete the inapropiate ones?

Yep, ovcourse. I read every single post anyway, I just go to "new posts".

I cant actually think of anyone to make a mod here...
It doesnt just need someone searching threads and deleting posts,

it needs someone with a creative attitude to be a mod, and willing to make changes etc, the only mod i can see doing that is foolsp33d ATM!!! i say loose the current mods and revamp with a whole new fresh attitude, the kids can do the post cleaning up jobs, but another few mods with a better attitude to bringing change to the site,

Iam all for this site getting better cause as already said its local!! so whoever the boss of this site is, stand up and scrap the current mods (except foolsp33d IMO) and find mods who are better suited to it,

cause the way this site is going lately, another 6 months and itll be ruined and gone to the forum graveyard!!!

Thats my 2c

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